



    毕业论文关键词:建设用地  集约利用  评价  徐州市

    Xuzhou City Construction Land Intensive Utilization Evaluation


    With the development of economy and the increase in population, the degree of human use of the land is gradually increasing, especially with the continuous expansion of the city, the demand for construction land is increasing, therefore, strengthen the intensive use of land potential in imperative.Xuzhou heavy industry city, in the middle stage of development, either in development or in industrial restructuring aspects need to adjust land use structure construction, improve the intensive use of construction land, change the irrational utilization of land for construction.

    Based on the Xuzhou City in 2003 - The 2012 land for construction of the data analysis, the choice of appropriate indicators index system, principal component analysis method, intensive use Xuzhou City construction land, summary Xuzhou Construction Land Use Problems and make recommendations.On the whole, the construction of intensive use of land in Xuzhou City is rising, but in 2009 Year - in 2012, a downward trend, indicating intensive use of land for construction is still a big problem, need to be implemented in all the various aspects kinds of measures to achieve the best intensive use of land for construction.

    The papers attached Figure 3, Table 8, reference 10.

    Key Words: Construction Land  Intensive Use  Evaluation  Xuzhou


    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究方法 1

    1.3技术路线 2

    2 徐州市区域状况 3

    2.1 徐州市社会经济状况 3

    2.2 徐州市土地利用现状 3

    3徐州市建设用地集约利用评价 5

    3.1指标体系确定的原则 5

    3.2指标确定 5

    3.3原始数据 6

    3.4标准化 6

    3.5主成分分析 7

    3.6小结 12

    4 存在的问题及建议 13

    4.1存在的问题 13

    4.2 建议

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