    Enterprise salary management fairness affect employees work attitude and behavior
     Abstract:With the accelerating pace of economic globalization, the challenge for the enterprise is in constant increase. In the process of enterprise operation and management of the compensation is an important part in the process of enterprise management. The good operation and development of the enterprise, not only requires the enterprise has the advanced mode of production and productivity, to improve employee's work efficiency. At present, the compensation is one of the important ways of motivating workers, enterprises pay attention to the employee's salary management is the important way to improve business efficiency. At the same time, a good salary management system is the important foundation of enhances the working efficiency of the enterprise employees. Enterprises in the process of compensation management, should follow the basic principles of fairness. The fairness of the compensation management is closely related to the employee's work attitude and behavior. In the process of compensation management, fairness and justice to all employees is not violate the basic principles of enterprise's salary management. Fair compensation system as a kind of effective incentives, affect employee's work attitude and behavior. Business enterprise give employees a fair pay, in the process of work, employees with a positive attitude to participate in the work, the employee's behavior conform to the requirements of enterprise for employees. In this way, can create higher performance, maximize the profitability of enterprises. In this article, through the study of connotations and salary management fairness includes four aspects content, studied the enterprise salary management fairness to employees working attitude and behavior, the influence of the fairness of the compensation management affect employee's work attitude and behavior. Enterprises in the process of compensation management, should pay attention to the fairness of the compensation management, to improve the staff's working attitude and behavior.
    Key Words:Salary management; Fairness; Work attitude; behavior
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract:    1
    一、薪酬管理公平性的作用    3
    二、企业薪酬管理公平性主要内涵    4
    (一)薪酬管理的结果公平    4
    (二)薪酬管理的程序公平    4
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