

    关键词:大数据; 问题; 征信体系建设
    With the development of the Internet financial, a group of Big data credit bureaus which use network credit information preliminary established. They collected personal or corporate Internet data on the net, using new technologies such as cloud computing, big data, these data were be sorted and analyzed, then use the credit evaluation system for credit evaluation. Big data provide diversified and multi-level financial service demand for the market, optimize credit reporting industry layout, promote the development of credit reporting industry, has an important value. But the Internet big data inquiry is still in its infancy. It is not mature in many aspects, such as the top design, the legal framework and industry standards. There are a lot of problems, needing strong coordination and specifications. This paper will be based on the analysis of the existing Internet, on the basis of large data reference model, from the perspective of macro and micro, research advantages and disadvantages of big data inquiry, and put forward relevant Suggestions, to promote our country to build more ideal Internet data of credit system.

    Key words:Big data ; Insufficient ; The credit system construction
    目  录
    摘    要 I
    Abstract II
    一、互联网大数据征信的相关概念 1
    (一)大数据的定义 1
    (二)征信的概念 1
    (三)大数据征信的概念 2
    二、大数据征信模式分析 2
    (一)芝麻信用 2
    (二)拍拍贷征信模式 3
    (三)总结分析互联网大数据征信模式 4
    三、大数据征信模式的主要创新 5
    (一)数据来源广谱多文 5
    (二)信用评估精准可预测 6
    (三)应用场景丰富多元 6
    (四)征信人群覆盖广泛 7
    四、互联网大数据征信存在的问题 7
    (一)评分模型的有效性 7
    (二)征信主体的隐私保护 8
    (三)征信机构的独立性 9
    (三)征信机构之间缺乏信息共享 10
    五、建议 10
    (一)提高大数据处理技术 10
    (二)加强征信产品的创新 11
    (三)完善征信法律制度 11
    (四)建立行业自律机制 12
    (五)建立信用信息共享机制 12
    参考文献 13
    致    谢 15

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