


    Abstract:  Our country are facing the situation of frequent occurrence of occupational diseases, the harm of the occupational disease is very serious. And this is our country occupational disease related laws and regulations, the lack of attention in the society. Program long of occupational diseases, prevent condition, insufficient legal cognition. The causes of this situation is diagnostic procedures and paper analyzes inductrial injury insurance system, unit of choose and employ persons did not fulfil the legal responsibility of the occupational disease prevention, occupational disease prevention law to implement the effect not beautiful. To this, it is suggested that improve the prevention and control of occupational disease appraisal of the relevant laws and intensify supervision to the enterprise, improve enterprise attaches great importance to the suggestion, to strengthen the popularization of the law on the prevention and control of occupational diseases and execution. Hope that through this article to our country related laws and regulations and improve the occupational disease and cause people to the attention of the occupational disease, accelerate the process of occupational disease prevention and control in our country. 

    Keywords: Occupational Diseases. Occupation safety and health rights.Reason                         Countermeasures

    目  录

    一、引言 4

    二、我国职业病法律保护不足的现状 4

    (一)职业病认定程序漫长 7

    (二)引发职业病的工作环境不佳 7

    (三)劳动者对职业病法律认知不足 8

    三、职业病法律保护不足原因分析 8

    (一)诊断鉴定程序与工伤保险制度衔接不畅 8

    (二)用人单位未履行法定的职业病防治责任 9

    (三)职业病防治的普及与执行力度不足 9

    四、完善职业病法律保护的建议 9

    (一)完善工伤保险制度,使其与职业病防治制度相衔接 9

    (二)加大对企业监管力度,提高企业重视 10

    (三)切实加强《职业病防治法》的普及与执行力度 10

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14



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