


    Abstract:Since the implementation of the crime of dangerous driving, the increasing traffic accidents has declined. Nevertheless, there still exist many defects concerning the crime of dangerous driving carried out currently because of its narrow definition. The criminal law now only makes a reasonable criminal regulation to drinking and drunk driving motor vehicles while it makes no rules to severe toxic driving. In today’s frequent traffic accidents, drug driving causes a serious threat to the traffic safety as well as drunk driving in China. Therefore, using criminal law to deal with the problems of drug driving should be proper. Drug driving, driving a motor vehicle after using drug or being injecting drug brings such a great threat to citizens’ personal and property safety that it has become a realistic demand to write drug driving into the criminal law. In the practice of law enforcement,many measures should be taken to put an end to drug driving such as, improving the test level of drug driving and enlarging the propaganda of anti- drug driving.

    Keywords:drug driving, dangerous crime, dangerous driving, improvement of suggestions 

    目   录

    1  引言 4

    2 “毒驾”的危害 4

    3  现行法律法规对“毒驾”规制的现状 5

    3.1  行政法律法规对“毒驾”的涉及 5

    3.2  刑法对“毒驾”的涉及 6

    4  国外相关法律制度的评析及其启示 6

    5  “毒驾”入刑需要解决的若干问题 8

    5.1  “毒驾”应该定性为危险犯还是结果犯 8

    5.2  关于“毒驾”检测的滞后性及其解决办法 8

    5.3  毒品类型如何界定 8

    5.4  “毒驾”入刑标准要统一 9

    5.5  “毒驾”入刑的依据 9

    5.5.1  “毒驾”客观危害方面 9

    5.5.2  “毒驾”主观罪过方面 9

    5.6  “毒驾”的处罚与量刑 10

    6  “毒驾”的预防 10

    6.1  通过加强源头管理来预防“毒驾” 10

    6.2  通过宣传来预防“毒驾” 11


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