


    Regarding urban management " Tacitus trap" and beyond

    Abstract: The law enforcement purpose is to maintain order in the city, enhance the civilization, but a number of police misconduct in law enforcement methods, the actual effect is not ideal, not only did not pass to the vendors of the orderly management of the eradication of urban chaos, promoting urban harmony, but it did not added conflicts and damage the city's image. Deteriorating urban management credibility, the legitimacy of the law enforcement and the legitimacy being questioned, it seems to fall into the "Tacitus trap." This paper analysis to the reality of the current difficulties facing the main urban management is gradually decreased gradually in the opinion of the urban disadvantaged status and credibility that facing the predicament of failure, this dilemma causes include the public to demonize urban impression, ingrained the perspective of public choice theory under the binding of interests to protect the interests of vulnerable groups, the moral high ground, the relevant laws the protection mechanism is not perfect, at the same time based on the experience of foreign urban governance "Tacitus trap", put forward the Countermeasures of urban management across the "Tacitus trap", hope can be effective solution to help provide the theoretical and practical dilemma of current urban management.

    Key Words: Tacitus trap;The urban management enforcement;Public confidence






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