

     Urban and rural social security as a social hot issues, directly related to social stability, economic development, and fairness and justice, promote the development of urban and rural equalization of social security is the basic requirement of the implementation of the eighteenth big spirit, the effective implementation of public policy and implementation plays an important role. Based on the investigation and study of the construction of the Hangzhou urban and rural social security, found that the policy environment and the social security policy between inner ecological fit, thus, starting from the perspective of policy ecology, from the concept of policy, policy implementation and policy implementation of these three aspects to the current situation of the development of urban and rural social security in Hangzhou city are analyzed, and found that the phenomenon of existence of equalization development, mainly includes the concept of traditional concept of family pension and social security policy conflict, remove broken buy abandonment of continuous rigid, policy formulation and implementation "the road", between urban and rural areas, financial investment imbalance between the social security program, an aging population problem increasingly prominent... Therefore, in order to improve the equalization of social security development between urban and rural areas, optimize the policy environment of the urban and rural social security equalization, adjusting the structure of the equalization of social security policy in urban and rural areas, expand the equalization of urban and rural social security propaganda channel construction paths in three aspects.

     毕业论文关键词:  城乡社保;  政策环境; 均衡化

    Keyword:  Urban and rural social security;Policy Ecology; Equalization;


    一、绪论 4

    (一)选题背景及意义 4

    1.选题背景 4

    2.选题意义 4

    (二)国内外研究综述 4

    1.我国城乡社保研究 4

    2.城乡社保模式研究 5

    3.非均衡发展理论研究 5

    (三)研究方法及研究内容 6

    1.研究方法 6

    2.研究内容 6

    二、政策生态视角下杭州市城乡社保发展非均衡化发展分析 6

    (一)环境:城乡社保均衡化政策生成的生态供给 7

    1. 经济环境与社保政策

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