摘要当商业秘密利用民法和反不正当竞争法保护已成常态时,针对商业秘密保护的刑事法律介入却仍然显得底气不足。如何更好地将商业秘密保护的实践贯彻,并充分地利用刑事保护手段来有效保护商业秘密已经成为一项异常紧迫的任务。目前我国刑法中对于商业秘密犯罪的规定只有一项条文,而我国自1997年侵犯商业秘密罪确立以来, 司法实践中也因法律规定的过于简单出现了很多问题。我国商业秘密的刑事保护制度包括侵犯商业秘密罪的罪名认定、量刑考量标准,诉讼过程的完善等问题都亟待改善,通过借鉴英美、俄罗斯、日本等地的商业秘密刑事保护制度的实践经验,来为我国大陆地区的商业秘密保护制度的完善提出建构性的意见。32771
关键词 商业秘密 刑事保护 侵犯商业秘密罪
Title The study on the system of criminal protection of trade secrets
When the trade secret has been protected by Against Competition with Inappropriate Means and civil law has become normalcy, the intervention of the criminal law aiming at trade secret still seems not emboldened enough, while domestic criminal protection of the trade secret is more than a blank. Therefore, how to implement the protection of the trade secret in a better way, and how to better utlize measures-criminal measures to effectively protect trade secrets have become unusually urgent tasks. Currently, there is only one provision aiming at the stipulate of business secret crime in China. Moreover, since the crime of infringing commercial secrets has been legislate, there comes a lot of problems in juridical practice because of the over simplicity of law. Criminal law protections system of the trade secrets which includes the assumption of the crimes, sentencing guidelines, the perfection of the lawsuit procedures awaits to improve. This article is going to use the business secret criminal protection theory of Britain, America, Russian and Japan as a reference, so as to put forward the constructive comments on the improvement of trade secret protection regime in mainland China.
Keywords trade secrets criminal protection crime of breaching business secrets
目 次
1 引言 1
2 商业秘密刑事保护概述 3
2.1 商业秘密刑事保护的内涵 3
2.2 商业秘密刑事保护的现状 4
2.3 商业秘密刑事保护的必要性 4
3 域外商业秘密刑事保护的趋势 7
3.1 美国商业秘密刑事保护的制度变化 7
3.2 俄罗斯商业秘密刑事保护的制度变化 8
3.3 日本和德国商业秘密刑事保护的制度经验 8
4 我国商业秘密刑事保护制度现状及存在的问题 9
4.1 我国商业秘密刑事保护的现状 9
4.2 我国商业秘密刑事保护存在的问题 9
5 我国商业秘密刑事保护制度的完善建议 12
5.1 明确构成侵犯商业秘密罪的主客观要件 12
5.2 调整侵犯商业秘密罪的刑罚配置重点 12
5.3 制定合理的有关“重大损失”的认定模式 13
5.4 充分保障商业秘密权利人的刑事诉讼权利 13
5.5 完善商业秘密刑事案件中的附带民事诉讼制度 13
结论 14
致谢 15
1 引言
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- 下一篇:当代大学生道德失范行为分析