
    catalytic surface. This hypothesis corresponded to a 100%
    inactivation efficiency of the biocidal surface, so that the
    computation described the motion of particles, but not the
    photocatalytic aspects of the reactors (i.e., 100%inactivation
    efficiency toward a microorganism if it impacts on the
    illuminated surface, at a given and constantUV-A irradiation
    rate). A Lagrangian approachwas used, it focuses on particle
    tracks, rather than on a control volume like the Eulerian
    method. The systemwas considered as isothermal, the flow
    governed by the ideal gas law and the AMOs were assumed
    not to significantly influence the flow characteristics due to
    very low AMO concentrations. The velocity of the flow at the
    photoreactor inlet and the initial velocity of the particles
    were normal to the inlet boundary, and the outlet boundary
    was set at atmospheric pressure.Hence, this simplifiedmodel
    did not incorporate the effects of parameters related to the
    motion of the air flow, such as the rotation or the shape of
    fan bladeswhen they are present.However, Sahle-Demessie
    et al. (23) detailed that these parameters have a significant
    influence on the process efficiency and should be included
    in the investigation of more realistic reactors. Moreover,
    thanks to the axisymetry of this geometry, this 3D problemin the Cartesian frame could be replaced by a 2D one using
    a cylindrical frame. Details were reported in Table 1.
    The mass and the momentum conservation equations
    were approximated using the Reynolds Averaged Navier
    Stokes equations, the most widely used model since it can
    model all turbulence scales (24). The Reynolds numbers
    reported in Table 1 were calculated by considering the
    hydraulic diameter for an annular duct as being the difference
    between both inner and outer diameters of the annular
    reactor. Used for the simulations, they indicated a flow
    globally ranged in a laminar to transitional regime.However,
    in order to accuratelymodel the photocatalytic treatment of
    a stream, it is necessary to emphasize on the phenomena
    occurring in the boundary layer, near the photocatalytic
    surface. This near-wall zone is particularly complex because
    of the no-slip condition and the high shear stress at the wall
    which result inlarge gradients.Thus, the shear stress transport
    k-ω turbulence model (SSTKW) was used to model the
    continuous phase, since it is an empiricalmodelwell adapted
    for wall-bounded flows. The solution control was based on
    the coupled pressure velocity mode, and used explicit
    relaxation factors set at 0.75 for both momentum and
    pressure, second order for the pressure, and also third order
    muscle for themomentum, the turbulent kinetic energy and
    the specific dissipation rate. Themotion of the particles was
    solved by integrating the force balance equation (written in
    the x direction), which equates the particle inertia with the
    forces acting on the particle, taking into account the drag
    and the Archimedes forces as well as an additional accelera-
    tion (e.g., Brownian forces). By contrast to particles having
    an aerodynamic diameter larger than 1 µm, it should be noted
    that working with particles smaller than 1 µm required to
    incorporate the Cunningham’s correction factor to the drag
    forces per unit particle mass expression derived from the
    Stockes law. The Cunninghamcorrection factor rapidly and
    asymptotically decreases down to 1 with increasing the
    particle diameter under normal pressure. Details relative to
    that section are reported in SI S5 and in ref (24). Microor-
    ganisms have variousmorphologies and sizes, ranging from
    some 10s of nanometers for small viruses, to a few mi-
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