
    photoreactors devoted to the removal of VOCs, since it easily
    takes into account the complex interactions between the
    flow field, the light activation, and the reactions kinetics
    (1, 17 21). CFDmight be helpful for bioaerosol remediation
    too, because working with bioaerosols remains time- and
    material-consuming. Although concepts like the adsorption
    or the diffusion of chemicals cannot be easily transferred to
    the microbial inactivation, this tool could help in designing
    efficient biocidal reactors by enhancing the impact prob-
    ability of the microorganisms on the surface.
    Experimental Section
    Photocatalytic Pilots for AMO-Contaminated Air Treat-
    ment. The micropilot used for performing the single-pass
    UV-A photocatalytic treatment of contaminated air has been
    previously detailed (scheme as SI S2), aswell as the procedure
    for preparing and aerosolizing L. pneumophila aqueous
    suspension for generating a reproducible contaminated air
    flow, and that for recovering and numerating bacteria from
    the outlet stream(14). The single-pass tests were performed
    /h air flow in an 70 mm wide and 300 mm long
    annular photoreactor with a central 19 mm diameter 8W
    UV-A actinic lamp (Philips, actinic BL, TL8). In this config-
    uration, the reactor worked with an annular space of 25.5
    mm. The TiO2 coating was performed by evaporating to
    dryness aqueous slurry of the TiO2 and the coated reactor
    was dried at 110 °Cfor1hin air. Details on the reactor and
    on the coating method could be found in ref 22.
    Recirculation testswere performedwith a tangential flow
    reactor at a 140 m3
    /h air flow in a 0.8 m3
    glovebox adapted
    for AMOs and used as reaction chamber, targeting L.
    pneumophila, T2 naked virus, and B. atrophaeus spore. This
    reactor has been commercialized by the Biowind company
    (France) under the DPA label, schematized in Figure 1 with
    the lighting coming from the top of the fan (14). TiO2 was
    coated by dipping using an aqueous suspension of TiO2 and
    further drying at ambient temperature. This photoreactor
    has an inner volume of 1.2 L with a photoactive surface of
    1040 cm2
    and a TiO2 coating density of 1mg/cm2
    . Details on
    the reactor and on the coatingmethod could be found in ref
    14. In both cases, TiO2 P25 (Degussa - Evonik) was used.
    Targeted AMOs. Extensive details on the preparation of
    the bacteria, virus and spore suspensions used for aero-
    solization are reported as SI S3. L. pneumophila of 1 2 µm
    size is a well-known AMO, well adapted for bioaerosol tests.
    The contaminated bioaerosol was obtained by aerosolizing
    a 5 mL aliquot of a 1.0 × 107
    L. pneumophila (strain GS3.11)
    bacteria/mL aqueous suspension into the reaction chamber
    as droplets in a high flow rate air stream using a peristaltic
    pump (6.3 × 107
    microorganisms per m3
    of air).
    50 nmmean size T2 naked bacteriophage viruses are used
    asmodels for airborne viruses. The contaminated bioaerosol
    was obtained by aerosolizinga5mL aliquot of a 1.51 × 108
    T2 bacteriophages/mL suspension into the reaction chamber
    as droplets in a high flow rate air stream using a peristaltic
    pump (9.4 × 108
    microorganisms per m3
    of air).
    Bacterial endospores (≈1 µm) are considered to be the
    most resistant living formand are produced byGram-positive
    bacteria to survive extreme situations. Bacillus atrophaeus
    spores, former labeled as B. subtilis, were used, since they
    are used in dry-heat disinfection norms (EN866-2), andwere
    already positively used as a surrogate of environmentally
    resistant pathogenic microorganisms like anthrax (B. an-
    thracis spores). The contaminated bioaerosol was obtained
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