
    in Fig. 2.
    The stakeholder defines the simulation objectives and the relevant
    performance indicators. Based on this information, the checklist
    framework can be used to identify the entities and variables to be used
    in the simulation and thus estimate the initial modeling complexity.
    The initial modeling complexity should be the lowest possible
    complexity that satisfies the simulation objectives in terms of
    performance indicators. The quantification of validity of the initial/
    minimum required modeling complexity is achieved by specifying a
    range for error tolerance, as a model deviation of the real world.
    The error in a verifiedmodel is the sumof: (i) abstraction error, (ii)
    input data error, and (iii) numerical errors. Here, only the former two
    are discussed while it is assumed that by decreasing the discretization
    step the numerical errors can be controlled. The first error is due to the
    modeling abstractions, i.e. using an incomplete model of a physical
    system, and the second is due to uncertainties in the parameters
    themselves. Sometimes the distinction between the two is not clear.
    Parameter uncertainty can be quantified and therefore the corre-
    sponding uncertainty of the model output as well. This uncertainty of
    the output is known as predictive uncertainty.
    The modeling uncertainty is not easily quantifiable and therefore
    its influence can be considered as a modeling bias. As illustrated in
    Fig. 3, with the increase of modeling complexity the predictive
    uncertainty rises as there are more parameters to consider. On the
    other hand, the models approach reality and the bias decreases. The
    curve that defines predictive uncertainty depends on how much ofFig. 2. Schematic representation of a checklist rationale [55]: 1. There must be a total
    tracking of items in the requirements to the conceptual model. 2. There should be a
    specific simulation element for every item (parameter, attribute, entity, task, state,
    etc.). 3. As far as possible, there should be “real world” counterparts for every
    simulation element. 4. The simulation elements should correspond to standard and
    widely accepted decomposition paradigms to facilitate acceptance of the conceptual
    model and effective interaction (including reuse of algorithms and other simulation
    components) with other simulation endeavors. 5. Simulation elements required for
    computational considerations that fail tomeet any of the previously stated items should
    be used only when absolutely essential. 6. There should be no extraneous simulation
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