
    object-oriented simulation environment, of which the fundamental
    object is an equation.EKS (Energy Kernel System) was researched in the UK [37]. The
    objective of the EKS/UK was to place tool development on a task-
    sharing basis in order to ensure integrity and extensibility of future
    systems. The primary goal of EKS/UK, i.e. to improve the tool
    development process, was later researched via primitive part
    modeling in the ESP-r simulation environment [34].
    NMF (neutral model format) was designed to bring the power of
    differential algebraic equation (DAE)-based modeling to the building
    simulation community and yet be compatible with major BPS tools
    such as TRNSYS, IDA and SPARK. The basic objective of NMF is to
    provide a common format of model expression for a number of
    existing and emerging simulation tools, e.g. TRNSYS, HVACSIM+, IDA
    and SPARK [38].
    IDA is one of a few equation-based efforts that have been pursued
    beyond the stage of prototyping [38]. The NMF initiative continues to
    live with IDA, since most of the IDA models are written in NMF,
    besides a few written in Modelica [33].
    Modelica [39] is an ambitious modeling language that has shown
    potential to bring order to the fragmented world of DAE-based
    simulation. It draws on the collective experience of a large number of
    first generation languages. Since the first Modelica based tool,
    Dymola, appeared in 1999, several large industries such as Toyota,
    Ford, United Technologies, Caterpillar, ABB, Alstom, TetraPak, etc.
    have adopted it [38]. Efforts to develop building and HVAC system
    simulation models resulted in various Modelica libraries, such as
    ATPlus [40], UTRC Modelica library [41] and Building Informatics
    Environment [42].
    SimScape [43] is a new development by MathWorks that extends
    Simulink with tools for modeling and simulating multi-domain
    physical systems, such as those with mechanical, hydraulic, and
    electrical components. SimScape can be used for a variety of
    automotive, aerospace, defense, and industrial-equipment applica-
    tions. Together with other MatLab toolboxes, SimScape allows
    modeling of complex interactions in multi-domain physical systems.
    There appears to be no evidence yet of using SimScape in BPS.
    Based on object-oriented programming approach, the above
    projects were aiming to introduce “modern concepts from computer
    science and software engineering in the BPS field to make available to
    developers basic software modules and supporting framework that
    could be used to construct new BPS software” [44]. But, as Sahlin et al.
    [33] notes that nothingmuch has happened in recent years to “change
    the direction of fundamental reasoning”. The authors also state
    several factors that contributed to this apparent lack of progress, as
    • Some exploratory projects did not deliver as expected.
    • Leading research groups have reverted back to existing solutions
    and “organic” evolution.
    • Multi-domain simulation is being attempted by coupling of existing
    domain specific simulators (co-simulation).
    • Driven by product model research, attention has shifted from new
    tool development to improved integration of existing modeling and
    simulation tools into the design process.
    Sahlin [45] states that the primary cause of the lack of success is
    “unwillingness by BPS developers to learn other engineering fields”.It
    seems that the equation-based tool development has not shifted away
    attention fromexisting tools. Due to the difficulty in obtaining funding
    for work other than incremental improvements of BPS tools [46],
    many research teams continued to improve the integration of
    “traditional” simulation tools into the design process.
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