
    Besides all the environmental benefits, one of the most important advantages of closed belt conveyor systems is their ability to run around small radii curves. In conventional open belt conveyor systems the radius of a curve is primarily determined by the belt tension in the curve. In horizontal curves the curve radius should be large enough to prevent, together with the application of banking angles, the belt from running off the idlers. In vertical curves the radius should be large enough to prevent belt lift off in concave curves and to limit the idler loads in convex curves. Further the radius of a curve should be such that, with the belt tension in the curve, the belt is neither over-stretched nor be put under compression. Typically the radius of a horizontal curve in a conventional open belt conveyor varies between 1000 and 2000 meters. The radius of a vertical curve in an open belt conveyor typically varies between 400 and 800 meters.
    Closed belt conveyor systems have in general much smaller idler spacing than those used in open belt conveyor systems. The radius of a curve in a closed belt conveyor system is therefore primarily determined by the admissible belt stretch. Further, the radius of a curve should be large enough to maintain the belt’s typical cross section (a pipe should stay a pipe) and to stabilize the position of the belt in the idlers (rotation of the pipe in a pipe conveyor should be prevented). Belt running off the idlers is not an issue for closed belt conveyor systems since either the total belt or the belt’s axial profiles are locked up in the idlers.
    Conveyor Structural Design
    Considering that the structural design of all types of conveying systems will undergo the biggest revolution in the coming years, with a view to eliminating as much of the structure as possible. The pouch conveyor goes a long way in reducing the amount of steelwork required per ton of material conveyed and Figure 1 indicates how simple the construction can be made. The Enerka-Becker System is characterized by very low belt tensions due to the application of a unique multiple drive system. The low belt tensions enable small radii horizontal curves and a very light and elegant supporting structure. There are structurally many options available. The layout of the currently installed systems is as shown in Figure 2. The overall dimensions of this option are within an area of 1 m x 1 m. Another option is to position the two belt parts above each other.
    Figure1                         Figure2
    When one considers elevated conveyors, belt and pipe conveyors require far more structure to support the mechanicals, see Figure 3. The need for a maintenance walkway has in the past made elevated conveying especially an overland conveyor cost prohibitive. However the introduction of the elevated structure with a maintenance trolley in place of the walkway now addresses many of the issues previously used to promote trucking in place of conveying. When one considers, land sterilization, (by cutting off farm land access), security fencing to eliminate theft and prevent injury to both human and animal, the risk of bush fire, and the need for road access, then the elevated conveyor structure is more acceptable.
     Figure 3现代带式传输系统
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