    find out the efficiency and cost of the portable electronic vulcanizer.

    2.2. Rationale

    The underlying principle of this study is to determine the efficiency of the portable electronic vulcanizer and to eliminate the problem of gas emission in vulcanizing shops.

    2.3. State of the Art

    The upgrading of the conventional vulcanizer (gas emitting apparatus) requires the researcher to introduce a new idea in this field of technology. The experimental set-up was made of different temperatures at a constant time in vulcanization. Five trials were conducted to find the perfect temperature on which the gum will bond to the rub- ber perfectly at 1 minute for Class A vulcanizing gum and 2 minutes for Class B vulcanizing gum.

    2.4. Analysis of the Problem

    The electric vulcanizer and the conventional vulcanizer (gas emitting apparatus) have a common problem. The electric vulcanizer, if not undertaken properly during the vulcanization process, can damage the rubber tire. In the conventional vulcanizer, if the gas is not properly measured or controlled, burning of the rubber tire will oc- cur. To solve the aforementioned problem as well as on gas emission, this innovative technology (electronic op- erated vulcanizer) was studied to cut down cost on investment and manpower in the vulcanizing industry.

    2.5. Flowchart of the Study

    Figure 1 shows the flow chart of the study. The input includes the heating elements, temperature and timer me- ter, LED monitors, buzzer, steel plate and power switch in making the product. The process includes the steps in making the product and data gathering. The output is the portable electronic vulcanizing (PEV) equipment.

    3. Review of Literature

    The work environment refers to the aggregate of surrounding things and conditions that affect the quality of work life and the inpidual itself being an employee or an entrepreneur.

    Former President Fidel V. Ramos [2] stressed that the living condition of the people in every sector of society must be improved by initiating family investment or group. He wanted then to make the Philippines a New

    Figure 1. Flow chart of the study.

    Industrialize Country (NIC) in Asia and the Pacific, by 2000 and beyond. Thus, Executive Order No. 318, s. 1991, was passed to reinforce functional program in the implementation toward industrial reform and develop- ment.

    Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA), reported that the government’s quest to realign technical education program be of paramount importance. On the other hand, the Presidential Commission on Educational Development (EDCOM), on their survey resulted in recommending to conduct feasibility studies and projected modern educational design to revitalize the nation’s changing demand of the youth for effective manpower development. Mismatch problem of the education sector and industry is of vital issue as regards the graduation rates of colleges and universities which most of them cannot find job, because of lack of skills needed by the industry. Hence, technical graduates have wider range of employment compared to those gra- duates of white collar profession [3].

    Vulcanization is the chemical process by which the physical properties of natural or synthetic rubber are im- proved; finished rubber has higher strength and resistance to swelling and abrasion, and elastic over a greater range of temperature. In its simplest form, heating rubber with sulfur brings about vulcanization.

    In modern practice, temperature of about 140˚C - 180˚C is deployed, and in addition to sulfur and accelera- tions, carbon black oxide is usually added, not merely as an extender, but improves further the qualities of the rubber. Vulcanizing gum, which is a classified as “ready to heat” rubber, is now utilized to repair worn out inte- rior/exterior rubber tires with the help of vulcanizing equipment. Certain problems such as inaccuracy of the product are evident in third-world countries, as the first-worlds never used some [4].

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