    Abstract This study was aimed to obtain creative industries SMEs potentials developed in Cimahi, determine creativeindustriesthat could be prioritized as a marketleader, obtainideas of theybehavedinutilizingtheinternetandE-Commerce,andacquireconceptmodels throughE-Commercemarketing.ThemethodusedwasComparativeDescriptive, Experimental research, and Applied research. The study technique used three approaches(1) Libraryresearch(Desk Study);(2) Participatory Rural Apparaisal(PRA) Approach, 21250
    FocusGroupDiscussions(FGD)and(3)Survey(interviewsandobservations).The objectsofthisresearchwerecreativeindustriesSMEsbusinessmeninCimahi.This research was conductedin 2012. Theresultsshowedthe profiles of SMEs businessmen weremostlyuniversityandseniorhighschoolgraduates.ThepotentialsofSMEs businessinCimahiwereindependentbusinesspotentials,productioninputs,facilities, developmentpotentials,andthegovernmentpolicyimplementationshowsthatmost businessesinCimahiwereinpotentialscategory.Additionally,thecreativeindustries SMEs also had good potentials. The SMEs businessmen’s understanding of the use of the internet and E-Commerce still varied. They were not fully familiar with using the internet marketingprocess;necessarystepsforsocializingtheinternetandE-Commercewere needed.
    JEL classification numbers: M310, L11
    Keywords:Promotion, Marketing, Creative Industries SMEs, the Internet, E-Commerce 1 Introduction
    Small  and Medium Enterprises  (SMEs)  in Cimahi mainly  creative  industries SMEs had
    strategic roles  in overcoming  the poverty and unemployment problems. However, SMEs
    were  facing  many  problems  to  develop.  The  main  problems  were  the  less  conducive
    business environment, low access  to capital, and limited access  to market. The choice of
    strategies  and  policies  to  empower  creative  industries SMEs  in  developing Cimahi was
    necessary to support the continued development and guarantee the sustainability of SMEs
    to provide people with jobs, develop and balance their incomes ( Biro Pusat Statistik Kota
    Cimahi, 2011, Dinas Koperasi UKM, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Cimahi, 2011,
    Kementerian dan Koperasi, 2004).
    The  existence  of  globalization  along with  the  fast  growing  technology  forced SMEs  to
    adapt  to utilize  it  to develop  the SMEs business. One of  the opportunities  that could be
    exploited was E-Commerce to promote and market SMEs products of Cimahi.
    Electronic Commerce  (E-Commerce)  supported  the  improvement  and development of  a
    company  thoroughly.  E-Commerce  encouraged  a  company  to  make  use  of  all  the
    available resources. Among all those resources, E-Commerce stressed on management in
    marketing  the  products  to  achieve  the  target.  This  was  because  E-Commerce  could
    transform the form of service in which customers have to directly come a place or make a
    phone call  into an online service  that provides service anytime anywhere  to simplify all
    transactions, Kotler (2009). Research Objectives : (1). To obtain creative industries SMEs
    potentials developed in Cimahi, (2) To determine creative  industries SMEs that could be
    prioritized  as  a market  leader,  (3) To obtain  the  ideas of how  creative  industries SMEs
    behave  in utilizing  the Internet and E-Commerce, (4) To obtain  the analyswas results on
    the  efficiency  and  effectiveness  of  creative  industries  SMEs  product  promotion  and
    marketing through E-Commerce.
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