
        1. Easier creation and correction of drawings. Working drawings may be created more quickly than by hand and making changes and modifications is more efficient than correcting drawings made by hand.

        2. Better visualization of drawings. Many systems allow different views of the same object to be displayed and 3D pictorials to be rotated on the CRT screen.

        3. Database of drawing aids. Creation and maintenance of design databases (libraries of designs) permits storing designs and symbols for easy recall and application to the solution of new problems.                                                                                   

        4. Quick and convenient design analysis the designer can evaluate alternative design thereby considering more possibility while speeding up the process at the same time.

        5. Simulation and testing of designs. Some computer systems make possible the simulation of a product's operation, testing the design under a variety of conditions and stresses; computer testing may improve on or replace construction of models and prototypes.

        6. Increased accuracy.  The computer is capable of producing drawings with more accuracy than is possible by hand; Many CAD systems are even capable of detecting errors and informing the user of them.

        7. Improved filing. Drawings can be more conveniently filed, retrieved, and transmitted on disks and tapes.

        Computer graphics has an almost limitless number of applications in engineering and other technical fields. Most graphical solutions that are possible with a pencil can done on a computer and usually more productively. Applications vary from 3D modeling and finite element analysisi4] to 2D drawings and mathematical calculations.

    Once the domain of large computer systems advanced applications can now be done on microcomputer. An important extension of CAD is its application to manufacturing. Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems may be used to design a  part  or  product,  devise  the  essential  production  steps,  and  electronically communicate this information to and control the operation of manufacturing equipment, including robots.  These systems offer many advantages over traditional design and manufacturing systems, including less design effort, more efficient material use, reduced lead times, greater accuracy, and improved inventory control.




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