
    analyses, but no power draw analysis is shown. Heiser et al.
    (2004) described the performance of a co-axial mixer consist-
    ing of a helical ribbon and a central screw.
    An important consideration in the design of an agitated
    system is the power required to drive the impeller. A reliable
    design and scale-up of important mixing tasks such as
    blending and heat transfer is generally achieved by invoking
    geometric and hydrodynamic similarity based on selected
    dimensionless parameters. For single impellers in standard
    baffled tanks the utilization of dimensionless numbers, such
    as Reynolds, Newton, Prandtl, Nusselt is very well estab-
    lished. For complex mixing systems such as co-axial
    mixers still there is a lack of understanding of the fluid
    mechanics characteristics required for design guidelines
    and scale-up of co-axial impeller systems. The design of
    co-axial mixers today is essentially based on the vendor’s
    experience and/or trial-and-error approach. Consequently,
    the utilization of such non-conventional mixing technology
    in industrial processes today is not common.
    An experimental and numerical programme was started
    by the authors to explore and determine design and mixing
    performance characteristics of co-axial agitation systems.
    The aim of the present work is the analysis and characteriza-
    tion of the power consumption of a suitable co-axialmixer con-
    figuration for chemical processes. The mixing system studied
    consists of an anchor and a dual set of pitched blade turbines.
    Experimental Set-Up
    The experiments were carried out in a lab-scale tank
    equipped with a fully instrumented pilot-scale co-axial mixing
    system, which is shown in Figure 1. It combines a proximity
    impeller with a dual set of centered open impellers. The proxi-
    mity impeller used in the experiments is the classical anchor
    impeller. The open impeller was a standard four-bladed,
    pitched turbine with 458 blade angle (A200 by Lightnin,
    USA). The cylindrical tank of 490 mm inner diameter is madeof Plexiglas with a dished bottom in torispherical shape. The
    mixers are powered by two independent electric drive-motors
    of 3 kW and 1.5 kW; one drives the inner impellers and the
    other the outer proximity impeller, respectively. The mixing
    system was instrumented to measure continuously the
    torque, and rotational speed of the inner impellers and power
    and rotational speed of the proximity impeller. The measured
    total power consumption for the outer impeller was corrected
    by subtracting the measured power from a calibration curve,
    which includes the motor and bearing friction losses.
    Test fluids and rheology
    To achieve a wide range of viscosity and Reynolds number
    in the laminar regime, two different glucose syrups were used
    as Newtonian fluids, C
    Sweet Syrup (Cerestar GmbH) and
    Glucomalt (Tate&Lyle Europe). At 258C, the viscosity is
    19.4 Pa s and the density is 1415 kg m23
    for CSweet
    (SWE) and 111 Pa s and 1400 kg m23
    for Glucomalt at
    96.2 wt% (GLU). The glucose syrup solutions are very sensi-
    tive to temperature changes. Thus corrections in the viscosity
    had to be made to account for the temperature increase
    during the measurement of the power curves. Fluid tempera-
    ture was not measured continuously, but only after a set of
    power measurements.
    Aqueous solutions of hydroxyl-ethyl-cellulose
    (CELLOSIZETM HEC QP 300, The Dow Chemical Company)
    at concentrations from 5 to 8 wt% were employed as non-
    Newtonian fluids. The rheological behavior of HEC solution
    was described by a power law. The shear-thinning index
    varies from 0.42 to 0.51, the consistency index varies between
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