
    91.05, and 79.19 Pa, respectively. The pressure drop is less for 20° baffle inclination compared
    to other two models due to smoother guidance of the flow. The maximum velocity is nearly
    equal to 0.302 m/s for all the three models at the inlet and exit surface and the velocity magni-
    tude reduces to zero at the baffles surface. It can be seen that compared to 0° baffle inclination
    angle, 10°, and 20° baffle inclination angles, provide a smoother flow with the inclined baffles
    guiding the fluid flow.
    From the stream line contour of fig. 3-5, it is found that recirculation near the baffles
    induces turbulence eddies which would result inmore pressure drop formodelwith q = 0° where
    as re-circulations are lesser for model with q = 10° and the re-circulations formed for model
    with q = 20° are much less in comparison to the other two models which indicates the resulting
    pressure drop is optimum as shown in fig. 6.Fromthe CFD simulation results, for fixed tube wall and shell inlet temperatures, shell
    side outlet temperature and pressure drop values for varying fluid flow rates are provided in tab.
    3 and it is found that the shell outlet temperature decreases with increasing mass flow rates as
    expected even the variation is minimal as shown in fig. 6. It is found that for three mass flow
    rates 0.5 kg/s, 1 kg/s, and 2 kg/s there is no much effect on outlet temperature of the shell eventhough the baffle inclination is increased from0° to 20°. However the shell-side pressure drop is
    decreased with increase in baffle inclination angle i. e., as the inclination angle is increased from
    0° to 20°. The pressure drop is decreased by 4 %, for heat exchanger with 10° baffle inclination
    angle and by 16 % for heat exchanger with 20° baffle inclination compared to 0° baffle inclina-
    tion heat exchanger as shown in fig. 7. Hence it can be observed that shell and tube heat
    exchanger with 20° baffle inclination angle results in a reasonable pressure drop. Hence it can
    be concluded shell and tube heat exchanger with 20° baffle inclination angle results in better
    performance compared to 10° and 0° inclination angles.
    Conclusions The shell side of a small shell-and-tube heat exchanger is modeled with sufficient detail to
    resolve the flow and temperature fields.
     The shell side of a small shell-and-tube heat exchanger is modeled with sufficient detail to
    resolve the flow and temperature fields.
     For the given geometry the mass flow rate must be below 2 kg/s, if it is increased beyond
    2 kg/s the pressure drop increases rapidly with little variation in outlet temperature.
     The pressure drop is decreased by 4%, for heat exchanger with 10° baffle inclination angle
    and by 16 %, for heat exchanger with 20° baffle inclination angle.
     The maximumbaffle inclination angle can be 20°, if the angle is beyond 20°, the centre row
    of tubes are not supported. Hence the baffle cannot be used effectively.
     Hence it can be concluded shell and tube heat exchanger with 20° baffle inclination angle
    results in better performance compared to 10° and 0° inclination angles.摘要:在目前的研究中,尝试调查研究各种挡板倾角角度对于管壳式热交换器的流体流动和传热特性的影响,用于三种不同的折流板的倾斜角度,即0°,10°,和20°。各种管壳式换热器的仿真结果,与弓形折流板垂直于流体流动和两个弓形折流板的流体流动方向的倾斜,对它们的性能进行了比较。通过数值模拟一个小的管壳式换热器对壳侧的设计进行了研究。该研究关注的是一个单壳程和单侧通道平行流动换热器。通过使用非商业计算流体动力学软件工具研究ANSYS CFX 12.1对外壳内的流场和温度场进行研究分析。对于一个给定挡板削减36%,在不同的质量流动率和折流板的倾斜角度下的热交换器性能研究。给定热交换器的几何形状的壳侧出口温度,压力下降,挡板附近的重新循环,最佳的质量流动率和最佳的折流板的倾斜角度是从计算流体动力学模拟结果来确定。
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