    Abstract Plastic products from product design to production, including molding plastic products design, mold design, mold manufacturing and injection molding process parameters and several other main areas. The traditional injection mold design mainly rely on the designer's experience, while the injection molding process is very complex, plastic melt flow properties of different and ever-changing products and die structure, process conditions vary, forming various defects, mold design often require repeated trial-mode, maintenance mode can be put into production, with little of a successful, identify problems, not only to re-adjust the process parameters, or even to modify the plastic products and molds, not only time-consuming and laborious, but also reduces product development time . The use of injection molding CAE technology in mold manufacturing prior to simulate injection molding process (including filling, packing and cooling) and the early detection of problems, optimize mold design and process conditions set to reduce the number of test mode in order to improve production efficiency, has become a injection molding technology is an important direction of development.7682
    1 The history of Injection Molding CAE technology
    Injection Molding CAE technology is based on plastics processing rheology and heat transfer of the basic theory, the melt in the mold cavity in the flow, heat transfer physics, mathematical model, using numerical solution method of constructing the theory, the use of computer visualization technology image, visually simulate the dynamics of the actual shape of the melt filling and cooling process, an analysis techniques. The 20th century, 60 years, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada and other countries of the scholars, such as JRPearson (United Kingdom), JFStevenson (America), MRKamal (Canada) and KKWang (America), etc. to carry out a series of plastic melt in the mold-type cavity flow and cooling of basic research. At a reasonable simplification, based on 60 years completed a one-dimensional flow and cooling analysis programs, 70 years to complete the two-dimensional cooling analysis programs, and 80 years from the injection molding CAE technology has begun to theoretical research into the practical phase, launched a three-dimensional flow and cooling analysis and the study extended to packing, fiber orientation and warpage prediction of molecular and other fields. After 90 years carried out into the flow, packing, cooling and stress analysis, the whole process of injection molding processes are integrated research. CAE technologies, for the injection mold design provides a reliable guarantee that its application is mold design in the history of a major change.
    2 The role of Injection Molding CAE technology
    It shows the design of injection molds using traditional methods and the use of injection molding CAE technical design features and differences in mold. It can be seen using traditional methods of design of injection mold design success will rely heavily on the experience of designers, but also for complex parts gate position is reasonable or not, the location of the exhaust slot settings, to determine the location of weld lines and so very difficult. Die in delivery will normally take before the test mode after repeated changes, until the products have been qualified, which inevitably led to the extension of the production cycle, and generally difficult to obtain an optimal design and process parameters. The use of injection molding CAE technical design, mold is not true, because of mold design concept stage, can make use of CAE technology in injection molding process simulation flow, making usually only in the mold tryout phases in order to find problems, such as short shots, weld lines or holes appear in the surface appearance of parts and other issues have been avoided. While helping the designer to complete the balance of the system, such as flow channel design, exhaust ducts, setting, rationally determine the injection molding process parameters, etc., so that usually makes the modification must be repeated tryout to determine structural parameters of the mold die design and process parameters in the conceptual stage able to determine, reduce the mold design and manufacturing cycle and improve the mold design quality. Therefore, the role of injection molding CAE software, mainly as follows:
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