
    ⑶、Injection of a molding formation as plastic work piece most effective formation methods because may by one time take shape each kind of structure complex, the size precise and has the metal to inlay  a product, and the formation cycle is short, may by mold multi-cavities, the productivity be high, when mass productions the cost is very inexpensive, easy to realize the automated production,  therefore holds the extremely important status in the  plastic   processing profession. Statistics have indicated, plastic mold composition all molds (including metal pattern) 38.2%, the plastic product gross weight about 32% is uses in injecting the formation, 80%  above engineering plastics product all must use the injection formation way production.
     ⑷、counts according to the customs, our country in 2000 altogether imported mold 977,000,000 US dollars, in which plastic molding forms altogether 550,000,000  US  dollars, occupied  for 56.3%,2001 years altogether to import mold 1,112,000,000 US dollars, in which plastic molding forms altogether 616,000,000 US dollars, accounted for 55.4%.From the variety, the import volume biggest is the plastic molding forms.
    In compression molding the plastic material as powder or performs is placed into a heated steel mold cavity, Since the parting surface is in a horizontal plane ,the upper half of the mold descends vertically. It closes the mold cavity and pressures for a predetermined period. A pressure of from 2 to 3 tons square inch and a temperature at approximately 350F converts the plastic to a semi liquid which flows to all parts of the mold cavity. Usually from 1 to 15 minutes is required for curing, although a recently developed alkyd plastic will cure in less than 25 seconds. The mold is then opened and the molded part removed. If metal inserts are desired in the parts, they should be placed in the mold cavity on pins or in the holes before the plastic is loaded. Also, the performs should be preheated before loading into the mold cavity to eliminate gases, improve flow, and decrease curing time. Dieletric heating is a convenient method of heating the performs.
    Since the plastic material is placed directly into the mold cavity, the mold itself can be simpler than those used for other molding precesses. Gates and sprues are unnecessary. This also results in a saving in material, because trimmed-off gates and sprues would be a complete loss of the thermosetting plastic. The press requires the full attention of one operator. However, several smaller presses can be operated by one operator. The presses are conveniently located so the operator can easily move from one to the next. By the time he gets around to a particular press again, that mold will be ready to open. the thermosetting plastics which harden under heat and pressure are suitable for compression molding and transfer molding. It is not practical to mold thermo plastic materials by these methods, since the molds would have to be alternately heated and cooled. In order to harden and eject thermoplastic parts form the mold, cooling would be necessary.
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