
    3.4 Semiotic analysis of the elements of products

    Product element is a single unit in a product system. Any of product system is consisted of numerous interrelated organisms that are formed by product elements. Every element of the product system should have certain significance whatsoever,because the link between products and external materials can only be established through involving products. For instance,a round figure has no indicating object,hence,non-existent external linkages meaning itself can not constitute a circular button as a symbol; if the top of the round button has a slightly descended and curved surface,Conventional thinking will occur to people,who associated it with the finger pressing operational methods. Thus products can be developed on the meaning of the symbolic system. Second,the elements of symbols and products should also be reflected in the nature of the language used to study. Language is a study of the relationship between people and symbols,symbolic functional products has wider significance.

    3.5 Semiotics analysis of the structure of products

    Structure is a form that is consisted of numerous interrelated and interactive elements,i.e. the structure of the product system is the internal order among all of the interactive elements within a product. The symbol is features of a product's structure at first embody in the relation among the product elements,i.e. the product structure of the language features. It is precisely because of the elements and the organic structure of relations among elements,it can link objects in the media as a symbol of its contents and used the system to play the role of systems products that will be able to establish and achieve specific functions. Symbols of significance is reflected in its semantic characteristics and use of language, products symmetrical structure itself to be an equal,balanced and stable semantic sense,swirl-type structural design to create a revolving use,the product symbols and language used semantic relations through reasonable product mix was clearly designed.

    4 Discussion and Suggestion

    (1)In terms of continuity of culture,the style of culture is changing all the time. Each generations have new social environment and new of living vision,pushing trend and vogue to evolve continuously. However,making track for the reconstruction of religion culture is not just simply repeat past tradition persistently. It is not called cultural heritage。The preserving of culture and the development of culture are equal important.

    Totem culture not only have historical depth and meanings,its special features are the most important resources of all countries. However,due to the change and improvement of the environment the globalization is already an inevitably trend,hence,what the natives thinking and acting is more and more connected with the rest of the world,so as to lose the original cultural style gradually. Therefore,how to preserve our culture resources,and put them into application properly is the question to explore.

    (2)As speak to the level of design,since the British Industrial Revolution in the eighteen-century,the western society had been the pioneer of fashion and technology. Industry design should explore actively the vivid features and the hidden connotation of the natives' culture. We can absorb the connotation which can be converted,and build our own style of product. For example,if we can develop the totem arts and the native culture into the ethnic esthetics with unique characteristics,the native culture will not just only be preserved,but also originated a new cultural connotation because of their creativity and abundant culture.

    (3)Exploring the related research of the traditional culture of the natives. Go further to apply the exploration of the related product design. Aim to consumption marked to analyze and research deeply,concentrating on product appealing and development of market.

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