
    possible tool axis selection (1 out of 6 or 6 possibilities).
    So theoretically there are 6×120=720 possible five-axis
    machines with one tool carrying axis. The same analysis
    can be done for all other combinations. With t the num-
    ber of tool carrying axes and w the number of workpiece
    carrying axes (w+t=5) the total number of combinations
    is as follows.The value of this equation is always equal to 6! or
    720 when w+t=5. Some of these 720 combinations will
    be containing only two linear axis. If only five-axis
    machines with three linear axes are considered, only
    3×5!=360 combinations are still possible.
    The set Gt of combinations is characterized by a fixed
    value of t. This set is identical to the set Gw charac-
    terized by a fixed value of w, w=5t. Using above defi-
    nitions following subgroups of five-axis machines exist:
    (i) Group G0/G5; (ii) Group G1/G4; (iii) Group
    G2/G3; (iv) Group G3/G2; (v) Group G4/G1; (vi)
    Group G5/G0.
    4.1.1. G5/G0 machine
    All axes carry the tool and the workpiece is fixed on
    a fixed table. Fig. 4 shows a machine with all the five
    axes carrying the tool. The kinematic chain is XBYAZ
    (TRTRT). This machine was one of the earliest models
    of five-axis machines to handle very heavy workpieces.
    As there are many links in the tool carrying kinematic
    chain, there can be a considerable error due to elastic
    deformations and backlash in the slides.
    4.1.2. G0/G5 machine
    All axes carry the workpiece and the tool is fixed in
    space. This construction is best used for very small
    workpieces (see Section 6.3).4.1.3. G4/G1 machine
    Four axes carry the tool and one axis carries the work-
    piece. There are basically two possibilities, the work-
    piece carrying axis can be R or T.
    4.1.4. G1/G4 machine
    One axis carries the tool and the other four axes carry
    the workpiece. There are basically two possibilities, the
    single axis kinematic chain can be R or T. Fig. 1 is an
    example of such a machine, with the single tool carrying
    axis T.
    4.1.5. G3/G2 machine
    Three axes carry the tool and two axes carry the work-
    piece. There are basically three possibilities, the work-
    piece carrying axes can be both linear (TT) both
    rotational (RR) or mixed (TR). Fig. 5 gives an
    example of a machine with the tool carried by two rotary
    axes and one linear axis. This machine allows processing
    of large workpieces but the construction of the toolside
    is complicated. The most common configuration is the
    workpiece carried by the two rotary axes such as the one
    given in Figs. 3, 6 and 8.
    4.1.6. G2/G3 machine
    Two axes carry the tool and three axes carry the work-
    piece. There are basically three possibilities, the tool car-
    rying axis can be both linear (TT) both rotational (RR)
    or mixed (TR). Fig. 7 shows the mixed construction. Fig.
    8 shows two linear axes carrying the tool.
    4.2. Classification based on the location of rotary
    The machines can be classified depending on the place
    where the rotation axes are implemented.Only machines with two rotary axes and three linear
    axes will be considered further. The possible configur-
    ations are:
    (a) rotation axes are implemented on tool spindle;
    (b) rotation axes are implemented on machine table;
    (c) combination of both.
    The sequence of the axes in the tool or workpiece
    carrying kinematic chain is not important if the axes are
    of the same type R or T. In general, if there are N
    T trans-
    latory axes and N
    R rotary axes in the workpiece carrying
    kinematic chain and NT translatory axes and NR rotary
    axes in the tool kinematic chain, then the numbers of
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