
    Mobile applications in an aging society:Status and trends Abstract Today, many countries, including several European states, the USA, and Japan, are aging; both the number and the percentage of elderly people are increasing.。 To create a cohesive and inclusive inter generational society,  technological  products  and  services  must  be  adapted  to  the  needs  and  preferences  of  these citizens.。  Mobile  phones  are  promising  tools  to  improve  the  quality  of  life  for  the  elderly.。 This  work presents a review of the status of mobile functionalities and applications that can satisfy the requirements and needs of older people and improve their quality of life.。 This analysis of the state of the art enables us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current systems as well as discover trends and promising Mobile applications future lines of research.。 This paper outlines several needs that should be met to improve the quality of research in this area.。 This work  provides a basis for researchers, designers, and mobile phone service providers to  think  about the  existing  needs of the  elderly, the  developing trends  in the  field and  the  opportunities  that  mobile  applications offer to improve the quality of life  of the elderly and to support a cohesive and inclusive society.49045

    1.。  Introduction

       New social protections, improvements in the quality of health care  and  better  conditions  of  living  and  working  lead  to  people living  longer  than  in  the  past,  and  old  age  is  becoming  a  reality  for  an  ever-increasing  number  of  people.。  Together  with  the decrease in mortality, the decline in fertility rates is a key driver of population aging.。 At the same time, the lifestyle, potential and expectations  of  older people are changing  together  with   their increasing  life  expectancy.。  People  are  living  healthier  and  more active lives (Ministry, 2008).。

       The population of the European Union (EU) is aging, and indeed, it is already the world’s oldest region.。 In 2000, there were 61 million people aged 65 and over in the EU – 16% of the total population compared with 34 million in 1960 (Walter, 2004).。 In Spain, the average age of the population in 2010 is 40 years; in 2025, it will be 45.。9, and in 2049, the average age will be 48.。2 years (Qualitas,2010).。 Fig.。  1 shows the age pyramid in the EU.。 The  share of population of 65 and over was around 22.。5% in 2005 (Eurostat, 2008).。According to Eurostat, in 2050, the share of those of 65 and over is projected to increase to a 30% of the EU population.。 Today,  17% of the total population in Spain is over 65 years old.。 According to data from the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) the percentage will be 32% in 2049 (INE, 2010).。

       Products and services must be adapted to the needs and preferences of this increasing number of elderly people as well as to the requirements of the new economic context.。 At the same time, a strategy addressing population aging should take advantage of the potential of older people and help to create a cohesive and inclusive intergenerational society (Ministry, 2008).。 In this  context,  Information and  Communications Technology (ICT)  has  been  considered  an  important  tool  to  help  in  creating this cohesive and inclusive society.。 New terms have been coined, such as “Gerontechnology,” which refers to technology that meets the   needs  of  an  aging     society  (i.。e.。,  research,  development,  and design  in  the  engineering  disciplines  based  on  scientific  knowledge about the aging process).。 More formally, gerontechnology is defined as the  study of technology  for ensuring good  health, full social participation, and independent living throughout the entire  life  span,  as  long  as  it  may  extend  (Harrington  and  Harrington,2000).。  Some      of  the  specific  areas     of  research    in  gerontechnology   include    the   workplace,     the   home    and    independent      living, health care and home health care, and caregiver support (Comeau, 2005) .。 Among the ICTs, it is worth noting the developments in mobile communications         spearheaded  by  the   rapid   penetration  of  the mobile devices, including 3G technology, mobile applications, data and  video,  voice,  storage  capacity,  downloadable  ring  tones  and music, mobile clips, and personalization.。 This article analyzes if current mobile communications, devices and applications can be considered important tools to support an inclusive society.。 With this objective in mind, this work presents a  review  of  the  status  of  mobile  functionalities  and  applications that  can  satisfy the  requirements and  needs of  older  people and improve their quality of life (QoL).。 The concept of QoL allows us to select the  relevant aspects when  analyzing the  impact of mobile functionalities.。 This work also studies the present and future roles of  mobile  applications  in  an  aging  society,  as  well  as  the  future trends.。 This article provides a global vision of the status and trends of mobile applications in an aging society.。 

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