










    This research aimed at applying SERVQUAl model to examine the relationship between mobile banking services and customer satisfaction. While the previous researchers had already examined the effect ofqualities services on banking customer  satisfaction, no previous study was done on mobile banking. Thus, the current paper attempted to fill the gap in the literature by applying SERVQUAL model to study the quality of the mobile banking services rendered by the banks in Iran. The researcher has used the customer satisfaction as the dependent variable and the five dimensions of service quality;  namely, tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy, as the independent variables. Results showed that the four variables tangible (0.204),reliability (0.342), responsiveness (0.282), and empathy (0.345) would  correlate with satisfaction significantly.However, the assurance factor would have no relationship with CS. The ANOVA test showed that  there was a significant correlation between mobile banking services and customer satisfaction. 

    Keywords: Mobile bank, Customer satisfaction, Service quality, SERVQUAL 


    1.Mobile Banking  

    Mobile services are more attractive than current online services due to service ubiquity, a unique characteristic exclusive to the mobile environment (Tojib and Tsarenko, 2012). In Iran, the most important services provided in MB system are : balance enquiry, last three accounts transactions enquiry, draft, approved of Check amount, Check status enquiry, blocking card, buy prepaid recharge, installments payment, bills payment, received messages archives, ability of receiving various customer accounts information, shopping ability, hotel  expenses payment, stock market status enquiry.

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