
    Fiber separator on the general hydraulic pulper, as a waste of "two pulper" and separation equipment.
    (6) ramps Screen
         Ramp screen is a relatively simple and ancient and effective enrichment equipment. Pulp lead was a gradient of 45 ° or greater sloping, the concentration of 1% or less some of the whitewater through a slit open the sieve plate or 40 ~ 80 mesh sieve openings shed, and was concentrated pulp in the role of gravity from the screen or from the bottom of the sieve plate. Oblique isolated from the screen relatively high concentration of Whitewater, Whitewater are concentrated, not directly for the return process, the process of screening a number of oblique convergence of the White Water entered concentrated wastewater treatment station, for the treatment of back.
    (7) disk Refiner
         After the concentration of pulp and was sent Ф450 mm disc Refiner, pulp relief (that is further broken pulp solution), to make up for deficiencies in front of the broken, but also saves energy. Disc Refiner in relief while also pumping pulp role.
    (8) centrifugal Screen
         Centrifugal screen follow-up screening of purification processes, it is a Cleaner at the same time with the paper filters and screening equipment, slurry in the heavier impurities in the effects of centrifugal force to the centrifugal screen, circular motion to form a heavier outer , and then along the wall fell cone at the end to take away from the bottom, after-slurry separation from the radial discharge.
    After centrifugation to remove pulp screen can be further impurities in the small, pulp into the machine before the final one screening after screening of Pulp-ramp to a final concentration sieve, by the end of high pump pump me, and eventually enter the Machine net cage.
    (9) 30% expected Pulpboard
         Fumin Dragon Paper Company, Ltd. to improve the quality of corrugated products in the papermaking process to add 30 per cent of raw materials Pulpboard expected, with 30% Pulpboard Production of corrugated cardboard can be achieved midrange quality.
    (10) Boiler Room
         Boiler room of the installation of a model DZL4-1.25-AII 4t / h coal-fired boilers, for the 2400 paper machine drying provide steam. 2400 Machine collect the gas mask upper collect water vapour, steam condensate water as a water boiler. Boiler Operation time for the work of 330 d, 24-h day.
    The following is some kind of paper and new technology :
    A ) Replace of new materials
    1. The straw as the main materials, chemical raw materials such as polymers with PP, PVC and other supporting material, with modern industrial equipment for processing into various products. Compared with the traditional raw material products, with high waterproof, fireproof, moth, anti-acid, anti-friction surface, no chemical reaction, non-radioactive, easy to clean, anti-aging, non-friable, light weight, high strength and excellent environmental adaptability and so on. Low foaming process using crust, such as cross-linking or nano technology. In addition to product design its own unique color features is available in a shape from the finished product, but also by post-processing surfaces, built-in coating. Physical properties of raw materials due to their easy oxidation, so the paint color does not fade, anti-aging, color uniformity, do not fall off, rich color, beauty and fresh taste to meet the consumption level of different psychological needs.
    2. Grass + Plastic = Wood
    A factory in the U.S. state of Kansas, with wheat, straw, plastic nibs, old newspapers and a little wood, into a new timber, has been replaced by wood, began to be used to make poles, will also be used to make railroad ties, decks , railings and doors and windows. With this biosynthesis of wood, it can reduce the number of felled trees, but also reduce costs. The wood also has the benefit not as common as bending or splitting wood, and because different colors of plastic added, so different paint. The wood can be cut like ordinary wood-like, made of different shapes.
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