
    front  outboard  positions  shall  be  suit able  for  safety  belts incorporating  a  retractor  and  pulley,  taking  into  consideration  in particular  the  strength  characteristics  of the  belt   anchorages,  unless the  manufacturer  supplies  the  vehicle  equipped  with   other  types  of safety belts which 

    ►M3   incorporate retractors. This provision shall not apply to vehicles for which, according to item 4.3, lap belts only  for front outboard seat ing positions are allowed. If anchorages    ◄are suitable only for particular types of safety belts, their types shall be stated on the form mentioned in point 3.1 above;  reduce  to  a  minimum  the   risk  of the  belt  slipping  when  worn correctly;  reduce  to  a  minimum  the  risk  of strap  damage  due  to  contact  with sharp rigid parts of the vehicle or seat structures. 

    4.2.2.  For  belt  anchorages  which  take   up  different  positions  to  allow persons  to  enter  the  vehicle  and  for  restraining  the  occupants,  the specifications    of this Directive shall apply to the belt anchorages in the effective restraint position. 



    4.3.  Minimum   number   of   belt   anchorages   to   be   provided   (see  Appendix 1).  



    4.3.1. Any   vehicle   in   categories    M   and   N   (except   those   vehicles   in categories M2 and M3  hich  are  designed  for  both  urban  use  and  2 3 standing  passengers)  must  be  equipped  with  safety  belt  anchorages which satisfy the requirements of this Directive. 

    4.3.2.  The minimum number of safety belt  anchorages for each forward and rearward 

    directed seating position shall be as specified in Appendix 1. 



    4.3.3.  However,  for  outboar d  seating  positions  —   other  than  front  —  of 

    vehicles of the category M , s hown in Appendix 1 and marked with the symbol Ø, two lower anchorages are a llowed, where there exists a  passage  between  a  seat  and  the  nearest  side  wall  of the  vehicle intended to permit access of passengers to other parts of the vehicle. A space between a seat and the side wall is considered as a passage, if the  distance  between  that  side  wall,  with  all  doors  cl osed,  and  a vertical longitudinal plane 

    passing through the centreline  of the seat concerned — measured at the R-point position and perpendicularly to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle — is more than 500 mm. 

    4.3.4.  For  the  front  centre  seating  positions   shown  in  Appendix  1  and marked with the symbol *, two lower anchorages shall be considered adequate where the windscreen is located outside the reference zone defined  in  Annex  II  to  Directive  74/60/EEC;  if  loca ted  inside  this reference zone, three anchorages are required. 

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