
    Fourth, the model integration of machinery product  

    Integration of machinery product subsystem (complete machine) and the foundation Yuan, the part two big kinds, the typical integration of machinery system includes: The numerical control engine bed, the robot, the automobile computerization product, the intellectualized instrument measuring appliance, the electronic publishing printing system, the CAD/CAM system and so on, the typical integration of machinery Yuan, the part includes: Electric power electronic device and equipment, programmable controller, fuzzy controller, miniature electrical machinery, sensor, special-purpose integrated circuit, servo and so on, these model integration of machinery product technical present situation, trend of development, market prospect analysis omitting.   

    Fifth, our country develops the situation and the duty integration of machinery work 

    The integration of machinery” faces mainly includes two levels: One, with the microelectronic technology transformation tradition industry, its goal is the energy conservation, the nodal wood, enhances the work efficiency, improves the product quality, enhances the traditional industry technology advancement one step; Two, development automation, digitization, intellectualized mechanical and electrical products, promotion product renewal.   

    our country “the integration of machinery” the work faces situation  

    Our country is big with the microelectronic technology transformation tradition industry work load and is broad, has difficulty  

    Our country with the integration of machinery technology acceleration product renewal, enhances the market share the call to be high, has the pressure.  

    .Our country is low with the integration of machinery product substitution technology content and the added value, consumes energy, the water consumption, consumes the material to be high, the pollution, harasses the people product the responsibility to be heavy, has the significance, in our country industrial system, the energy consumption, the water consumption wealthy and powerful family, also accounts for the quite great proportion to the environmental pollution serious enterprise, in recent years our country's industry structure, product mix although several passes through the  adjustment, but because many kinds of reasons, the result continuously insufficiently is obvious, inside this no doubt has the higher authority to lead the department the policy comes out of many doors question, “therefore has the enterprise “to hate to leave one's native land” clings to tenaciously industry” the question, but undeniable also has cannot optimize the ideal industry, optimal pleasing product The question, on the good answer already suspended at these enterprise's front, this was the development integration of machinery, developed with the production related integration of  14  machinery product, the integration of machinery product function strong, the performance good, the quality high, the cost was low, also had the flexibility, might according to when the market requirement and the user reflection the product mix and the production process made the essential adjustment, the reform, but did not need to change the equipment, this was the solution mechanical and electrical products multi-varieties, the few volume production important outlet, simultaneously, might pour into the fresh blood for the traditional mechanical industry, brought the new vigor, extricated the machinery production from the arduous physical labor, realization Enlightened production.   

    Moreover, looked from the market demand angle, because our country develops, the development integration of machinery product history is not long, the disparity is big, many product varieties, quantity, the scale, the quality all cannot meet the need, the import volume all quite is big every year, therefore must develop urgently.  

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