
    The blank- holder force has no influence on the instability mode of the material between the punch head and the die cavity shoulder. 4. Stepped Rectangular Cup In the stamping of a stepped rectangular cup, wrinkling occurs at the draw wall even though the die gaps are not so significant. Figure 1(b) shows a sketch of a punch shape used for stamping a stepped rectangular cup in which the draw wall C is followed by a step D–E. An actual production part that has this type of geometry was examined in the present study. The material used for this production part was 0.7 mm thick, and the stress– strain relation obtained from tensile tests is shown in Fig. 3. The procedure in the press shop for the production of this stamping part consists of deep drawing followed by trimming. In the deep drawing process, no draw bead is employed on the die surface to facilitate the metal flow. However, owing to the small punch corner radius and complex geometry, a split occurred at the top edge of the punch and wrinkles were found to occur at the draw wall of the actual production part, as shown in Fig. 7. It is seen from Fig. 7 that wrinkles are distributed on the draw wall, but are more severe at the corner edges of the step, as marked by A–D and B–E in Fig. 1(b). The metal is torn apart along the whole top edge of the punch, as shown in Fig. 7, to form a split. In order to provide a further understanding of the defor- mation of the sheet-blank during the stamping process, a finite- element analysis was conducted. The finite-element simulation was first performed for the original design. The simulated shape of the part is shown from Fig. 8. It is noted from Fig. 8 that the mesh at the top edge of the part is stretched significantly, and that wrinkles are distributed at the draw wall, similar to those observed in the actual part. The small punch radius, such as the radius along the edge A–B, and the radius of the punch corner A, as marked in Fig. 1(b), are considered to be the major reasons for the wall breakage. However, according to the results of the finite- element analysis, splitting can be avoided by increasing the above-mentioned radii. This concept was validated by the actual production part manufactured with larger corner radii. Several attempts were also made to eliminate the wrinkling. First, the blank-holder force was increased to twice the original value. However, just as for the results obtained in the previous section for the drawing of tapered square cup, the effect of blank-holder force on the elimination of wrinkling was not found to be significant. The same results are also obtained by increasing the friction or increasing the blank size. We conclude that this kind of wrinkling cannot be suppressed by increasing the stretching force. Since wrinkles are formed because of excessive metal flow in certain regions, where the sheet is subjected to large com- pressive stresses, a straightforward method of eliminating the wrinkles is to add drawbars in the wrinkled area to absorb the redundant material. The drawbars should be added parallel to the direction of the wrinkles so that the redundant metal can be absorbed effectively. Based on this concept, two drawbars are added to the adjacent walls, as shown in Fig. 9, to absorb the excessive material. The simulation results show that the Fig. 9. Drawbars added to the draw walls. wrinkles at the corner of the step are absorbed by the drawbars as expected, however some wrinkles still appear at the remain- ing wall. This indicates the need to put more drawbars at the draw wall to absorb all the excess material. This is, however, not permissible from considerations of the part design. One of the advantages of using finite-element analysis for the stamping process is that the deformed shape of the sheet blank can be monitored throughout the stamping process, which is not possible in the actual production process. A close look at the metal flow during the stamping process reveals that the sheet blank is first drawn into the die cavity by the punch head and the wrinkles are not formed until the sheet blank touches the step edge D–E marked in Fig. 1(b). The wrinkled shape is shown in Fig. 10. This provides valuable information for a possible modification of die design. An initial surmise for the cause of the occurrence of wrink- ling is the uneven stretch of the sheet metal between the punch corner radius A and the step corner radius D, as indicated in Fig. 1(b). Therefore a modification of die design was carried out in which the step corner was cut off, as shown in Fig. 11, so that the stretch condition is changed favourably, which allows more stretch to be applied by increasing the step edges. However, wrinkles were still found at the draw wall of the cup. This result implies that wrinkles are introduced because of the uneven stretch between the whole punch head edge and the whole step edge, not merely between the punch corner and the step corner. In order to verify this idea, two modifications of the die design were suggested: one is to cut the whole step off, and the other is to add one more drawing operation, that is, to draw the desired shape using two drawing operations. The simulated shape for the former method is shown in Fig. 12. Since the lower step is cut off, the drawing process is quite similar to that of a rectangular cup drawing, as shown in Fig. 12. It is seen in Fig. 12 that the wrinkles were eliminated. In the two-operation drawing process, the sheet blank was first drawn to the deeper step, as shown in Fig. 13(a). Sub- sequently, the lower step was formed in the second drawing operation, and the desired shape was then obtained, as shown in Fig. 13(b). It is seen clearly in Fig. 13(b) that the stepped rectangular cup can be manufactured without wrinkling, by a two-operation drawing process. It should also be noted that in the two-operation drawing process, if an opposite sequence is applied, that is, the lower step is formed first and is followed by the drawing of the deeper step, the edge of the deeper step, as shown by A–B in Fig. 1(b), is prone to tearing because the metal cannot easily flow over the lower step into the die cavity. The finite-element simulations have indicated that the die design for stamping the desired stepped rectangular cup using one single draw operation is barely achieved. However, the manufacturing cost is expected to be much higher for the two- operation drawing process owing to the additional die cost and operation cost. In order to maintain a lower manufacturing cost, the part design engineer made suitable shape changes, and modified the die design according to the finite-element simulation result to cut off the lower step, as shown in Fig. 12.
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