
    Titanium industrial production began in 1948. It requires the development of the aviation industry, the titanium industry with an average annual growth rate of about 8% of the development. The world's titanium processing material production reached 40,000 tons, nearly 30 kinds of titanium alloys. Titanium is mainly used for the production of aircraft engine compressor components, followed by structures rockets, missiles and high-speed aircraft. The mid-1960s, titanium and its alloys have in general industry applications, for the manufacture of the electrode electrolysis industry, power plant condensers, oil refining and desalination heater and environmental pollution control devices. Titanium and its alloys have become a corrosion resistant structural materials. In addition, for the production of hydrogen storage materials and shape memory alloys. China began in 1956, titanium and titanium alloy study; the mid-1960s and the development of industrial production of titanium into TB2 alloy. Titanium is an important new structural materials used in the aerospace industry, the proportion between the aluminum and steel, strength and use temperature between, but higher than the strength and excellent corrosion resistance to seawater and ultra-low temperature performance. In 1950 the United States for the first time in the F-84 fighter-bombers later used as a fuselage insulation panels, wind shield, tail cover other non-load-bearing member.

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    钛是一种应用范围很广的材料,如航空航天和生物医学常常被用到。在这篇文章中,是描述对碳化钨(WC)刀具进行一种新型等离子渗过程的文献,开发和实施第一时间被引入。本次等离子体渗是在与不同温度和持续时间的10%BF 3、40%氩气和50%氢气组合进行的。本次试验旨在研究钛(Ti-6AL-4V)加工过程中等离子渗硼WC刀具在各种切削条件下的性能影响。研究发现,WC新的等离子渗硼是在钛加工显著提高刀具寿命一个极具成本效益的解决方案。论文网                                                
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