
        Catering industry in our country is developing very quickly, the national food industry turnover for 18 consecutive years to achieve two digit growth, in recent years the
    catering industry growth rate higher than other industries out of more than ten percentage points, industry development prospects for many enterprises and good investment institutions, can say our country is welcoming a catering industry  development the gold period, but the market is complex and changeable, will change with the social environment. The catering enterprises should according to their own conditions and environmental requirements, see the catering industry's development trend, select the appropriate marketing method, can be in the fierce competition in the market success. Therefore, the dining industry development trend of the future, opportunities and challenges to undertake brief analysis. 
    China's economy in recent years of rapid development, GDP increased rapidly, is continuously driven home to consume demand growth factor. Historical data analysis indicates that, the catering industry retail sales growth in GDP and there is a strong positive correlation between, from the 5years development, catering industry growth amplitude is higher than the country's GDP growth rate, far higher than the social consumable total volume of retail sales growth rate, with the catering industry  dimensions expands ceaselessly, to national economy presents increasingly significant role in driving.  
    On 2004, the implementation of the catering industry retail sales of seven  hundred and forty-eight billion six hundred million yuan, than going up year increase one hundred and thirty-three billion yuan, grow 21.6% compared to the same period, for 14 consecutive years to achieve the fast growth of two digit, than the same period of social consumable total volume of retail sales growth rate is 8.3 percentage points higher, accounting for13.9% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods, the total retail sales of social consumer goods growth contribution rate of 21%, pulling the social consumable total volume of retail sales growth of 2.79percentage points.  
    On 2005, Chinese catering industry retail sales of eight hundred and eighty-eight billion six hundred million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.7%, than going up year add one hundred and thirty-three billion six hundred million yuan, higher than the total retail sales of consumer goods increased 4.8 percentage points, accounted for the total retail sales of social consumer goods proportion to achieve 13.2%, the total retail sales of social consumer goods growth contribution rate and pulling rate is  respectively 17.4% and2.3%. Achieve annual business tax forty-eight billion eight hundred million yuan, grow 17.8% compared to the same period. 
    On 2006, Chinese food and beverage consumption annual retail sales exceeded trillion yuan to close greatly, achieve one trillion and thirty-four billion five hundred million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.4%, than going up year add one hundred and forty-five billion eight hundred million yuan.  In 2007 the national catering business retail sales totaled one trillion and two hundred and thirty-five billion two hundred million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.4%, accounting for13.9% of the total retail sales of consumer goods, total retail sales of consumer goods led to an increase of 2.6 percentage points, social consumable total volume of retail sales growth contribution rate of 15.7%.  2008 National Food Company retail amounts to one trillion and five hundred and five billion four hundred million yuan, grow 24.7% than 2007, for 18 consecutive years to maintain the speed of two digit. With China's per capita gross domestic product ( GDP ) of more than $2000, residents' consumption ability, consumption level, the Chinese high-end consumption proportion will increase continuously. In overseas, Chinese continue to attack cities and capture territories, in the first08 years of Chinese Olympic recipes, further moves towards the internationalization, the catering industry has been become pull move consumption, growth, expanding employment is one of the important factors. 
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