    本网上销售系统主要是在Windows 7下,以Tomcat网络信息服务作为应用服务器,MySQL为数据库开发平台,采用JSP技术进行系统的页面布局和开发。本系统分为前台和后台两个部分,前台部分主要是向用户展示信息,方便用户更好的了解此系统;后台部分主要是给管理员使用的,管理员可以对商品信息、用户信息等进行管理。
    毕业论文关键词: 方便快捷;网上销售系统;JSP;MySQL
     The Design and Implementation of Online Sales System
    Abstract: Along with the advance of society, the Internet has been a good platform to continuously rapid development, people are eager to now fully benefit from the massive construction of the network, so a variety of online sales system also arises at the historic moment. And the formation of the online sales system is in order to adapt to the fast pace of life in today's society. It can make people never leave home to be very convenient, quick and easy to choose their own needs goods. Which can give people save more free time to enjoy life, it make people from the busy hustle and bustle of city life gone temporarily relax, after with full enthusiasm into work life.
    The online sales system is mainly under the Windows 7, using Tomcat as the application server, network information service MySQL database development platform, using JSP technology to page layout and development of the system. This system is pided into foreground and background of two parts, front part is mainly to show the user information, convenient for users to better understand this system; the background part is mainly to the administrator, the administrator can manage the commodity information, customer information, etc.
    Keywords: Convenient and quick; Online sales system; JSP; MySQL
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2设计的目标    1
    1.3系统开发的意义    2
    1.4 本文研究内容及主要贡献    2
    第2章  需求及可行性分析    3
    2.1系统的可行性分析    3
    2.1.1  技术可行性    3
    2.1.2  经济可行性    3
    2.1.3  操作可行性    3
    2.2系统的整体功能分析    3
    2.2.1  系统整体功能模块设计    4
    2.2.2  数据库整体设计分析    7
    2.3本章小结    8
    第3章  开发环境及相关技术简介    9
    3.1系统开发环境    9
    3.1.1  Eclipse    9
    3.1.2  数据库简介    9
    3.1.3  Tomcat    10
    3.2系统开发技术与MVC模式    10
    3.2.1  JSP    10
    3.2.2  MVC模式    10
    3.3 B/S体系结构    10
    3.4 本章小结    10
    第4章  系统详细设计    11
    4.1 后台功能实现    11
    4.1.1  管理员登录    11
    4.1.2  商品信息管理    12
    4.1.3  用户信息管理    19
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