
    B/S built on the wide area network, the different user groups, geographical dispersion, and this is C/S unable to do so. Relations with the operating system platform smallest.
    Different user interface:
    C/S are established Windows platform, the performance of limited means, to reflect the general requirements established in the browser B/S higher, a more rich and vivid manifestations and users exchange. And the most difficult to reduce, reduce development costs.
    Different information flow:
    C/S procedures generally typical centralized mechanical processing, the world of relatively low.
    B/S information flow can change B-B, B-C, B-G information, and the flow changes, more like trading centres.
    B/S structure of the benefits software:
    What B/S structure is only the installation of a server (Server), and customer used browser (Browse, such as Internet Explorer, MYIE) operating software, browser/server architecture. Compared to C/S struct, despite C/S struct compared to the earlier document server, and great progress, but compared with B/S, shortcomings and deficiencies are obvious.
    First, B/S than C/S maintenance workload has been greatly reduced. C/S struct every customer must install and configure the software. A total of 50 enterprises if a client site using a C/S struct software, even when the software has been very minor changes (for example, increased a function), the system must protect workers such maintenance; Servers will be updated to the latest version; Will be customer old software unloading, and then install the new version, and then proceed to set up, is the most horrible customer out maintenance work must be carried out 50 times. If one side is in another part of the local customers, system maintenance workers must also went to that place again unloading installation, the installation work. If a client ends, forget such maintenance, the customer will end the problems encountered inconsistent version unable to work. And B/S structure, customer installation and maintenance no. If we would join the enterprise software into B/S, C/S structure, we look at software upgrades, system maintenance workers how to protect: the maintenance of the system as long as the server software upgrade to the latest version on the line. Other clients as long as the re entry system using the latest version of the software is already on.
    Secondly, to reduce overall ownership C/S, B/S relative cost C/S software typically used two-tier structure.
    Two-tier structure, customer accepted user request to the customer service database request, the database service will be submitted to the client data, customer data will be calculated (possibly involving computers, aggregation, statistics, etc.) and the results show to the user.
    In the three-tier structure, customer accepted user request to the customer service application to request application services to obtain data from the database services, application services will be calculated and the results submitted to the data customer, a customer results to users.
    These two structures is different, the two-tier structure in customer operation, and the three-tier structure of the ends are not involved in processing customers, users simply receiving the request, indicating that the final results. Since the three-tier structure of the client side does not need to be involved in the calculation, the client computer configuration requirements are relatively low.
    Furthermore, since the application services to clients only transmission of the final results, the data volume less, the use of telephone lines can trust. C/S used two-tier structure, the use of telephone lines as transmission lines may not be able to accept because too slow. Adopted a three-tier structure of the jade Chinese software configuration can be improved server configuration, reduce customer configuration. This increase is a servers (application services and database services on the same computer can) prices, and lower scores Taiwan is the customer machine prices, played a role in reducing the overall cost of ownership.
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