    B/S structure B/S structure that Browser/Server (browser/server) structure, with the emergence of Internet technology, a change or improvement to C/S structure. In this structure, user interface through “WWW” fully realized part of the logic in the front end to achieve, but the main logic in the server to form a so called 3-tier structure. B/S structure, primarily used to mature “WWW” technology, the combination of multiple browsers Script Language (VBScript, JavaScript) and ActiveX technology, using a standard Web browser on the need to achieve the original complex proprietary software in order to achieve powerful functions, and the development of cost savings, is a brand new software system construction technology. 98/Windows with Windows-2000 operating system will be browser technology implanted within the structure of today's software applications have become the preferred architecture. Clearly B/S structural applications versus traditional C/S applications will be enormous progress. 39692
    B/S structure using star shape configuration or build an internal communications network using Internet “Xunizhuanwang (VPN)”. The former is characterized by security, fast and accurate. The latter is a savings investment, cross advantages. Subject to firm size and geographic distribution determined. Internet access through an internal firewall, then the entire network.
    C/S with B/S distinction :
    Client/Server is built on the basis of the LAN. Browser/Server is built on the basis of the Wan.
    Hardware environment different :
    C/S generally built on dedicated network, the small scope of the network environment, between via LAN servers to provide connectivity and data exchange specialized services.
    B/S built on the Wan above, need not be specialized network hardware environment cases with the telephone network, leased equipment. Information own management. C/S stronger than the scope of general operating systems and browsers as long as there is on line.
    For different security requirements:
    C/S relatively fixed user group oriented general, the control of information security is strong. General highly confidential information systems used C/S structure appropriate, through the issuance of publicly B/S information.
    B/S built on the Wan, based on the ability to control security weak in the face of the user group is unknown.
    Procedural framework for the different:
    C/S procedures can focus more on processes; multi level access to the competence of the operating speed can be less consideration.
    B/S visit to the security and speed of multiple considerations, based on the need for greater optimization basis. B/S, C/S have higher requirements than the procedural framework is the development of the structural trend from Ms. Net series BizTalk 2000-Exchange-2000, comprehensive support network components erection system. Sun and IBM pushed the Java Bean component technology to enable B/S more mature.
    Different software trusted:
    C/S procedures could inevitable holistic considerations, the trusted components of the components is in the trusted B/S request of the good.
    B/S of multiple structures, components for relatively independent functions. To the relatively better trusted. On the table can be used to buy, instead of doing the stone wall in the tables.
    Maintaining different systems:
    System software maintenance is the survival cycle, big spending, important C/S procedures as a result of the overall importance of the overall mission to address the problems and the system upgrading. Upgrading is difficult, and maybe doing a new system.
    B/S components composition of the replacement of inpidual components and systems to achieve seamless escalation. Minimize system maintenance costs. Downloaded from the Internet installed on the users themselves can achieve promotion.
    Different treatment:
    C/S procedures to deal with users face fixed, and in the same region, the security requirements of high demand, and related operating systems. Is the same system should be.
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