    1. On the lack of consumer demand in the hotel industry and business strategy Throughout the development of China's hotel industry, hotel supply and many other products the supply of goods as experienced by a few years ago to gradually improve over the past two years to improve the fundamental process, 93 years after China's new foreign-related travel each year to the hotel 700-1000 At a rate of home, an increase of 20 percent or more, the hotel industry and tourist increase the supply of 5-8% increase is obviously limited difficult balance, the result will inevitably lead to the hotel industry into a buyer's market status.39686
    Economists tell us: in a buyer's market, because of ample supply and consumption from passive into the initiative, the production not only has the counterproductive, and played a decisive role, then the demand for production and operation of the binding nature of the increasingly felt in consumer demand Business activities became the starting point and destination, so that the market shows a demand constraint of the trend. Hotel general manager "difficult business" of the ordinary with emotion, the hotel industry is entering a buyer's market demand under the constraints of a typical reflection. In the hotel industry market demand constraint of the state, consumers show a difference in consumer behavior, rational consumption and consumer sentiment three.
    Hotel features of this market, the hotel's managers decided to seriously study the market of consumer demand, timely adjustment according to market demand business strategy, so that their own in the competition in a good position.
    First, the current state of consumer demand in the hotel industry and the new situation
    Over the past two years, the national policy of expanding domestic demand on the consumer does not have much effect, if no effective policy of the publication of affected residents expected consumer confidence will not be a major factor in significant changes in the coming period will Continuation of the trend of the current consumer demand.
    1. The income of residents of the changes on consumer demand have a greater impact. Over the past few years due to the impact of economic adjustment, the past two years, growth in the incomes of urban residents in a larger decline in the consumption of different income groups tend to the obvious differences, with higher incomes tend to lower the marginal consumption, and the potential consumer demand for low-income households Due to the growth of their incomes drop into the facts to the demand, the overall tendency to lower the marginal and therefore increase the income level of consumption would decline at a more sluggish in the state.
    2. Consumption expected to change little, lack of consumer demand will make the situation there can be no greater breakthrough. Because income growth has not previously faster, and the future life of residents increased uncertainty. People on the expected future income is not very optimistic, consumer expectations for the future residents there can be no bigger change.
    This lack of overall consumer demand situation as a direct impact on the outbound tourism Accommodations and Dining to purchase entertainment convergence of the six elements of the hotel industry. Although in recent years as people more leisure time, the consumption concept of change, visitors have the tendency to increase, but the situation is not optimistic. 1997 to the Zhejiang Tourism trips per capita per day of domestic tourists spent only 142 yuan and per capita spending slowdown in the growth.
    This macro-economic background of the hotel business a lot of new situation:
    First, the hotel industry's operating revenue and operating profit has deviated from the trend. In recent years the hotel industry's operating revenue has increased significantly, but operating profits fell year after year.
    Secondly, hotel room occupancy rate and average housing prices and to reverse the trend. Hotel Industry in 1998 in Zhejiang Province over the room occupancy rate of growth of 3.4 percent, while the average price dropped 9.3 percent, appears to reverse the abnormal situation. This situation shows that in the hotel industry market supply and demand side, demand has clearly increased as the main contradiction, if today's hotel market is only a simple excess supply, then the room occupancy rate and average prices should be at the same time Decline, therefore, insufficient effective demand has become the hotel industry downturn of the major factors.
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