    Four interactive e-learning and interaction 1. the network model of concept learning system Japanese scholars refer to Aung Sakamoto years of education in the mode of transmission of ideas, this paper argues that teaching aspects of the network that the education system.Model includes three elements, the first element is the technical content of the media,including teaching. Only through technology media, distance education in order to separate spatial and temporal link between teachers and students. Since the past decade,the rapid development of distance education, the first of "three generations of distance education theory" of distance education distance education experts said P. Cratisonfast induction into the era, in recent years, distance education began to use the E-learning.The elements of technology media including the "hardware and software," refers to the hardware of the computer network hardware facilities, including teachers and students access network.39568
    Network desktop or portable computer equipment, mobile phones. Software refers to the participation of teachers and students browsing or e-learning content, including Internet courses, teacher-student personal home page, a virtual library, chat rooms, bulletin boards,and other network resources. "Hardware" is the e-learning infrastructure, such as the National Education Association to develop thee-learning benchmarks "request" the dissemination of technical reliability of the system should be foolproof as far as possible, "of course, the" software "should also pay attention to the development of norms. In short,technology to enable teachers and students satisfied with the media is "technology to adapt to people rather than people to adapt to technology." Therefore, the elements below the allegations of the use of "content" to replace the word "technology media."
    The second element is the students, students must have strong motivation to learn. Based on this, some people believe that online education should be the main clients are adults.The third element is the "Teacher." It usually includes academic content experts,multi-media design experts, instructional design experts and other personnel "teachers"are usually the way to team work.
    2. the four cross
    Moore distance education experts have pointed out that "interaction is an important
    Terminology, meaning there are many. Unless a clear concept of its significance under the bit, otherwise the word will lose the value of interaction. "He distinguishes between three types of distance education students interactive content of the type of interaction, a one-teacher-student interaction, student interaction students .Some scholars also added their own student interaction, that is, to emphasize the students to reflect on the content, highlight the" self-talk "the importance of. However, in the framework of Moore, the students themselves as the students interact as part of interactive content. and I believe that education in the network should be added a fourth cross-content teachers interact.
    Students interact with the content of Moore believes that students interact with the
    content of any educational context is the most basic interactions. Students to their "input" to the learning materials, this process of change in their perception and attitude, so that it is also the basis of the educational process. Distance Education in the era of the correspondence, which is one-way interactive content is only in this direction to the students, textbooks can not be the reaction of students to respond, the students can not change the content of their textbooks. Holmberg distance education experts in the century made during the talks of teaching theory, it stressed the importance of good students and pre-production of learning materials in between the talks of the importance of style.
    The interaction between students and teachers and students interact in online education is the most important interactions. It can be through e-mail, chat rooms, bulletin boards,audio conferencing, video conferencing and other means. Between teachers and students conducted a two-way exchange of information should be of the closed-loop circuit can be pided into two types of synchronous and asynchronous. In many cases, the interaction between teachers and students is asynchronous, but if teachers or students are not students or teachers to pass information from timely feedback, a longer time interval, then the less the effect. Therefore, in most cases, we do not want to asynchronous exchange of teachers and students, even the most advanced technologies such as video conferencing or e-mail, etc., still exist the problem of time delay. In some cases, for example, when discussing the complex issue, participants need to seriously consider the new information in order to form a more accurate response, so that instead of a certain amount of time delay is a good thing. Therefore, we need to seriously consider the simultaneous interaction between teachers and students or asynchronous interactive teaching content in different in different roles.
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