
    C# is a strongly typed object-oriented language whose code visually resembles C++ (and Java). This decision by the C# language designers allows C++ developers to easily leverage their knowledge to quickly become productive in C#. C# syntax differs from C++ in some ways, but most of the differences between these languages are semantic and behavioral, stemming from differences in the runtime environments in which they execute.
    C# source code compiles into managed code. As with just about anything in engineering, this technique comes with its pros and cons. It may seem that an obvious con is the inefficiency of compiling the code at run time. This process is different from interpreting, which is typically used by scripting languages such as Perl and JScript. The JIT compiler doesn’t compile a function or method each and every time it’s called; it does so only the first time, and when it does, it produces machine code native to the platform on which it’s running. An obvious pro of JIT compiling is that the working set of the application is reduced, because the memory footprint of intermediate code is smaller. For example, the CLR may determine a way to reduce page faults in the memory manager by rearranging compiled code in memory, and it could do all this at run time. Once you weigh all the pros together, you find that they outweigh the cons for most applications.
    Visual C# .NET (C#)对于熟悉任何一种面向对象语言的人来说,学习起来是比较容易的。甚至对于熟悉Visual Basic6.0,同时又在寻找一种面向对象的语言的人来说,也会发现C#容易上手。然而,尽管C#,再加上.NET框架,用于创建简单的应用程序提供了一个快速的路径,但你仍然需要大量的信息,而且必须懂得如何正确地使用它,以制作精良,功能强大,容错的C#应用程序。在加强版的C# 2008中教你什么你需要知道并解释如何最好地利用你的知识,使您可以快速开发真正的C#的专业知识。论文网
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