    C development on Linux Introduction What you're just reading is the beginning of series of articles dedicated to development on Linux systems. However, with minor modifications (if any), you will be able to use this knowledge you will get by reading our series on any other system that uses the same tools (OpenIndiana, BSD...). This first article will deal gradually with the intricacies of writing C code on Linux. You are expected to have basic programming knowledge, either on Linux/Unix systems or on other platforms. The idea is that you should know the basics of programming, like what a variable is or how to define a structure. Even though, you will get this information from this article, we won't insist very much on beginner-level concepts. A word of warning: we won't include everything there is to tell about C, because that would take lots of space and of course, we don't actually know everything about C. However, for more information and discussion about C please visit our new Linux Career forum.39501
    Why C?
    Some of you might argue that C is not the best beginner-level language ever. Agreed, but again, you're expected to have some basic programming knowledge, for one. Second, C and Unix, and Linux afterwards, are intimately tied together that it only seemed natural to start our development series with C. From the kernel, of which a substantial part of it is written in C, to lots of everyday user-land applications, C is used massively on your Linux system. For example, GTK is based on C, so if you're using Gnome or XFCE applications, you're using C-based applications. C is an old, well-established programming language, vital tool in many parts in the IT world, from embedded systems to mainframes. Therefore, it is only fair to assume that C skills will not only enrich your CV, but they will also help you to solve many issues on your Linux system, that is only if you take this seriously and practice a lot by reading and writing C code.

    C is more than 40 years old, with beginnings at Bell Labs with Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson as the "usual suspects." Unix development and C's evolution are intimately linked, as we said, because Unix was initially written in assembly, but that had lots of shortcomings. Therefore, when moving to the PDP-11 as the main hardware platform, the developers started C as the as a core language for Unix. In 1978, Kernighan and Ritchie wrote, "The C Programming Language," a book that is today as it was 20 years ago: THE book on C programming. We heartily recommend you get it.
    There are always people keen on classification of things and of course, programming is no different. Joking aside, since we're at the beginning, we thought you should know that C is a procedural structured programming language, with weak typing. What we just said, in English, is that C uses procedures (the usual name used by C programmers, and the one we'll use as well, is functions however), that it uses a structured approach (think blocks of code) and finally, it supports implicit type conversions. If you don't know what any of the above means, fear not, you'll find out!
    原文的翻译Linux上C的开发介绍 论文网
    这只是你读的一系列专门为了Linux系统开发的文章的开头。然而,只要稍作修改(如果有的话),你将能够利用这些知识,并能通过阅读使用我们开发系列上的相同工具(如OpenIndiana,BSD...),任何其他系统都能获取。第一章将介绍在Linux上编写C代码复杂性的逐步处理。在这之前,你需要有基本的编程知识,无论是在Linux / Unix系统或其他平台上。我们的想法是,你应该知道编程的基础知识,如什么是变量或如何定义一个结构。即使,你会得到从这篇文章这一信息,我们将不会大量介绍很初级的层面的概念。提醒一句:我们不包括一切有关于C的讲述,因为这需要大量的空间,我们实际上并不用不知道C的一切.然而,关于C的更多信息和讨论,请访问我们新的Linux职业论坛。
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