
    As a general rule of thumb , the difference betweem the operating speed and the critical speed should be at least 20 percent. Many shafts are supported by three or more bearings, which means that the problem is statically indeterminate .text on strenth of materials give methods of soving such problems. The design effort should be in keeping with the economics of a given situation , for example , if one line shaft supported by three or more bearings id needed , it probably would be cheaper to make conservative assumptions as to moments and design it as though it were determinate . the extra cost of an oversize shaft may be less than the extra cost of an elaborate design analysis. Another important aspect of shaft design is the method of directly connecting one shaft to another , this is accomplished by devices such as rigid and flexiable couplings.
    A coupling is a device for connecting the ends of adjacent shafts. In machine construction , couplings are used to effect a semipermanent connection between adjacent rotating shafts , the connection is permanent in the sense that it is not meant to be broken during the useful life of the machinem , but it can be broken and restored in an emergency or when worn parts are replaced. There are several types of shaft couplings, their characteristics depend on the purpose for which they are used , if an exceptionally long shaft is required in a manufacturing plant or a propeller shaft on a ship , it is made in sections that are coupled together with rigid couplings.
     A common type of rigid coupling consists of two mating radial flanges that are attached by key driven hubs to the ends of adjacent shaft sections and bolted together through the flanges to forma rigid connection. Alignment of the connected shafts in usually effected by means of a rabbet joint on the face of the flanges. In connecting shafts belonging to separate device ( such as an electric motor and a gearbox),precise aligning of the shafts is difficult and a fkexible coupling is used . this coupling connects the shafts in such a way as to minimize the harmful effects of shafts misalignment of loads and to move freely(float) in the axial diection without interfering with one another . flexiable couplings can also serve to reduce the intensity of shock loads and vibrations transmitted from one shaft to another
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