
    4)  in  the  central  air-conditioning  system  inpidually  consumes  energy  the  equipment  energy conservation  transformation.  (a) Air blower and water pump general  frequency changer velocity modulation  energy  conservation,  this  is  at  present  uses more  technologies.  This method  simple practical,  electricity  saving  effect  obvious, but  product  and  so on water pump,  air blower  is  the system auxiliary engine partially, occupies the overall system energy consumption approximately is  40%,  therefore  the  excavation  space  is  limited.  (b)  The  refrigeration  main  engine,  the refrigeration  unit's  power  consumption  holds  the  very  big  share  in  the  air-conditioning  system, saves this part of consuming energy is the entire air-conditioning system economy movement key. At  present  generally  all  uses  reduces  the  indoor  temperature  standard,  enhances  the  cold water temperature and so on the measure realization refrigeration main engine energy conservation. Above  several methods  deficiency  has  only  considered  the  partial  energy  conservation, but had not considered from the overall system overall situation. 5)  the  dynamic  load  track  energy  conservation  control  system  take  the  entire  central air-conditioning  system  as  a  body,  unceasingly  changes  the  condition  according  to  the  air conditioning  area  load,  through  changes  in  the main  engine  and  the  circulatory  system  various parameters movement change situation, the lock following load change, realizes in meets the load need under  the  premise  the prompt quota  supplies  cold  quantity,  namely  achieves  "according  to must  supply",  basically  achieved  "does  not  lag,  are  not  many  for,  many  gives"  the  goal.  This method  not  only  compared  with  the  permanent  current  capacity  water  pump  gentle  breeze machine has  realized  the auxiliary engine  largest scale energy conservation, moreover optimized the main  engine movement operating mode, might  achieve  the  overall  system  conserved  energy 15-35%. This is this topic research key point. 3. dynamic loads tracks energy conservation control plan The  traditional  central  air-conditioning  system  adjustment  plan  is:  Uses  the  permanent  current capacity  pattern  or  the  heat  sink  side  permanent  current  capacity  but  the  load  side  changes  the current  capacity  pattern,  the  system  must  shoulder  is  according  to  the  biggest  load,  the  worst meteorological condition and the worst use working conditions designs, when actual moves 50% above  time,  the  system  must  shoulder  all  below  50%,  the  existence  has  the  enormous  energy dissipation. Also when shoulders Q when the change, the traditional system movement parameter simply cannot achieve the synchronized adjustment, the lag adjustment method besides passively increase the unloading through the main engine, nearly no other controls method. This research topic will abandon the former control plan, will recognize, the servo-control system theory, the intelligence control system theory take the model as the foundation, will unify with the central air conditioning main engine refrigeration technology and the cold intermediary circulatory system control, take the frequency conversion technology as the assistance method, the realization central air conditioning entire system whole coordination movement and the overall performance optimization. This research is the air conditioning energy conservation new idea, has represented the energy conservation technology recent development tendency. 1)  circulatory  system  energy  conservation:  By  the  system  angle,  through  to  the  terminal  load parameter,
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