
    person current  capacity  many,  operation  time  long,  management  complex  characteristic,  causes  the movement  energy  consumption  to  be  quite  high,  the  commercial  construction  air  conditioning energy  consumption  nearly  occupies  its  total  energy  consumption  50%.  The  central  air conditioning  design  capacity  is  according  to  the  biggest  load  computation,  but  in  a major  part building year only has several dozens days time central air conditioning to be at the biggest load condition. The central air conditioning cold load throughout is in during the dynamic change, like every  day  sooner  or  later,  each  season  in  turn,  every  year  samsara,  the  environment  and  the humanities  condition,  real-time will be  affecting  the  central  air  conditioning  cold  load. General, the cold load undulates in 5 ~ 60% scope, the majority building every year at least 70% is in this kind of situation. But the majority central air conditioning actually opening machine capacity far is smaller than the installed capacity, if take the most greatly cold load as the maximum work rate actuation,  creates  between  the  actual  need  cold  load  and  the  maximum  work  rate  output contradiction,  actually  creates  the  huge  energy  waste,  the  national  economy  and  the  society develops for brings the very tremendous influence. This has brought the stern topic for the central air  conditioning  energy  conservation  control,  also  gives  the  general  energy  conservation  control domain the worker brought enormously has displayed the talent the space. The  power  load  gap  increases,  the  electric  power  supply  tense  aspect with  difficulty  obtains  in recent years  relaxes. Therefore, energy conservation  in particular electricity saving, not only has the  significant  social  significance moreover  to  have  the  urgent  practical  significance. Positively studies  the  development  promotion  green  environmental  protection  new  air  conditioning technology and the equipment, the suppression air conditioning energy consumption increases, has become the building warmly to pass air conditioning domain urgent and the popular research topic. The  dependence  technology  innovation,  the  system  innovation,  the  energy  conservation  falls consumes, enhances the energy use efficiency, guaranteed are least in the "energy consumption, in the environmental pollution smallest" foundation, realizes the "energy conservation first, structure many Yuan, environment friendly" energy developmental strategy. In  our  telecommunication  production,  air  conditioning  energy  conservation  supervisory  work weaker,  the  energy  waste  phenomenon  is  serious,  therefore  strengthens  air  conditioning  the maintenance  management  and  the  technological  transformations,  may  achieve  the  energy conservation the goal.   Looked  from  the  air  conditioning  pressure  enthalpy  chart  that,  only has  the movement  in  the best  operating  mode  and  the  condition,  can  display  air  conditioning  the  biggest  refrigeration quantity, achieves the air conditioning energy conservation the goal. If the inflation valve oil stops up seriously, carries on  the  clean using  the absolute ethyl alcohol, again severely newly  installs; Loses the adjustment function the expansion valve to be supposed to replace. The air conditioning energy  conservation,  our  maintenance  department  should  from  the  movement  cost,  the maintenance maintenance aspect angle carry on the consideration. 2. air conditioning energy conservation system research survey 1) through the load control, achieves the energy conservation goal. (a) The burning hot season new atmosphere load occupies the entire cold load 25-40%, reduces the new atmosphere load, reduces the new atmosphere energy consumption, the choice smallest essential new amount of wind, also can achieve  the goal. But  the new amount of wind smallest supply on  the one hand  the country had  the  standard, moreover  the  new  amount  of wind  insufficient will  affect  the  air quality, will endanger  the  human  body  health.  (b)  Outside  the  optimized  construction  the  surrounding protection  structure  energy  conservation  design,  uses  the  heat  preservation  thermal  insulation material  technology,  reduces  the  air  conditioning  load,  the  realization  construction  energy conservation, but simultaneously also  causes  the building cost  rise,  the promotion  to  receive  the certain limit. 2)  gathers  can  the  air  conditioning.  Gathers  coldly  through  the  ice,  avoids  the  daytime  to  use electricity  the peak,  at  night  stores  up  the  air  conditioning  freezing water  refrigeration,  daytime does not start  the air conditioning main engine only  to use  the aqueous system  to circulate. This method  itself  certainly  does  not  conserve  energy  the  province  electricity,  but  optimized  the electrical network power supply, to already implemented the time sharing electrovalence the area, played "to economize does not conserve energy" the role, had the area promotion significance. 3) water  source  heat  pump.  Is  opposite  says  to  the  air  and  the  soil,  the water  is  the most  ideal spatial transfer cold heat source, the water source heat pump also therefore has the environmental protection, is highly effective, the energy conservation and so on the multitudinous merit, but our country water  source  heat  pump  engineering  research  is  not  very mature,  compares with  some developed countries also has the certain disparity. At the same time,  the water source heat pump although has very many merits, but  receives  the geology,  the environment,  the policy and  so on the limit quite is also big, this caused the water source heat pump to be restricted in an our country more widespread application.
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