
    5. Maintenance
    Successfully developed software will eventually become part of a product and enter a maintenance phase, during which the software will undergo modification to correct errors and to comply with changes to requirements. Like the initial development, modifications will follow a software development lifecycle, but not necessarily using the same lifecycle model as the initial development.
    Throughout the maintenance phase, software tests have to be repeated, modified and extended. The effort to revise and repeat tests consequently forms a major part of the overall costs of developing and maintaining software.
    The term regression testing is used to refer to the repetition of earlier successful tests in order to make sure that changes to the software have not introduced side effects.
    6. Summary and Conclusion
    Irrespective of the lifecycle model used for software development, software has to be tested. Efficiency and quality are best served by testing software as early in the lifecycle as practical, with full regression testing whenever changes are made.
    Such practices become even more critical with progressive development and iterative lifecycle models, as the degree of retesting needed to control the quality of software within such developments is much higher than with a more traditional sequential lifecycle model.
    Regression testing is a major part of software maintenance. It is easy for changes to be made without anticipating the full consequences, which without full regression testing could lead to a decrease in the quality of the software. The ease with which tests can be repeated has a major influence on the cost of maintaining software.
    A common mistake in the management of software development is to start by badly managing a development within a V or waterfall lifecycle model, which then degenerates into an uncontrolled iterative model. This is another situation which we have all seen causing a software development to go wrong.
    AdaTEST and Cantata are tools which facilitate automated, repeatable and maintainable testing of software, offering significant advantages to developers of Ada, C and C++ software. The benefits of repeatable and maintainable testing, gained from using AdaTEST or Cantata, become even more important when a progressive development or iterative model is used for the software development lifecycle.
    There are a wide range of software development lifecycle models which have not been discussed in this paper. However, other lifecycle models generally follow the form and share similar properties to one of the models described herein, offering similar benefits from the use of AdaTEST or Cantata.
    1. 简介
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