
    •    Multi-Gloss Patterns
    •    Fusions
    •    Graphics
    •    Leather Grains/Hides
    •    Woodgrain, Slate & Cobblestone
    •    Geometric & Linens
    •    Layered Textures to Create New Looks
    •    Images or Logos Incorporated into the Pattern
    When applying a texture to a part, the CAD drawing must be adjusted to accommodate for this surface variance. If the texture is on a surface that is perpendicular or angled away from the mold opening then no draft changes are necessary. If the texture is on a parallel surface with the mold opening, however, increased draft is necessary to prevent scraping and drag marks that could occur during part ejection. Different textures have different impacts on the molded part. The rule-of-thumb when designing for texture is to have 1.5 degrees of draft for each 0.001” of texture finish depth.
    Parting Lines
    A “parting line” is the line of separation on the part where the two halves of the mold meet. The line actually indicates the parting “plane” that passes through the part. While on simple parts this plane can be a simple, flat surface, it is often a complex form that traces the perimeter of the part around the various features that make up the part’s outer “silhouette”. Part lines can also occur where any two pieces of a mold meet. This can include side action pins, tool inserts and shutoffs. Parting lines cannot be avoided; every part has them. Keep in mind when designing your part, that the melt will always flow towards the parting line because it is the easiest place for the displaced air to escape or “vent”.
    Common Molding Defects
    Injection molding is a complex technology with possible production problems. They can either be caused by defects in the molds or more often by part processing (molding)
    Keep these factors in mind when designing your injection molded part, and remember that it is easier to avoid problems in the beginning than change your design down the line.
    (a)    应用
    (b)    最适合注塑成型的聚合物
    (c)    注塑成型设备
    (d)    注塑成型工艺
    (e)    注塑周期
    (f)    不同类型的注塑工艺
    (g)    压力
    (h)    流道
    (i)    常见的流道类型
    (j)    流道位置
    (k)    壁厚
    (l)    脱模斜度
    (m)    缩痕
    (n)    纹理
    (o)    分型线
    (p)    常见的成型缺陷
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