    ABSTRACT: This work focuses on the design and manufacture of a scroll compressor used in an automobile air conditioning system. A scroll compressor is a positive-displacement machine that compresses air with two interfitting spiral shaped scroll members. This compressor is of semi-hermetic design, and is quiet, reliable and efficient in performance. @JASEM
    The main function of a compressor is to admit fluid  23496
    from a low-pressure region, compress it and deliver it
    to a high-pressure region (Rogers; Mayhew, 1994).
    Compressors are classified into displacement type
    and turbo type. The displacement types are further
    classified into reciprocating type and Rotary type
    (Creux, 1995). A Scroll compressor is a type of
    rotary type compressor. They are positive
    displacement machine that uses the compression
    action provided by two intermeshing spiral shaped
    scrolls, in which one is fixed and the other orbiting,
    (ASHRAE, 2004). Typical scroll compressors  for
    automobile air conditioning system consists of the
    following components: Scrolls, Casing, shaft,
    bearing, refrigerant chamber, rubber seal, balancing
    spring, magnetic clutch and pressure valve, as shown
    in Figure 6. 论文网
    Modern scroll compressor technology development
    only began in the 1970s where the concept of scroll
    compressor was re-invented by a refrigeration
    industry. Since their introduction into the air
    conditioning industry in the late 1980s, scroll
    compressors have been successful in a wide variety
    of both residential and commercial applications. In
    air conditioning, smaller compressors are found in
    residential and vehicle systems such as heat pump
    systems used to heat and cool inpidual homes or
    businesses. Larger compressors are found in
    commercial applications such as process chillers and
    in a variety of condensing unit systems. Refrigeration
    scroll compressors are applied in a wide range of
    applications including supermarket racks, bulk milk
    cooling truck transport and marine containers
    (American Refrigeration Institute, 1998; Carrier,
    In this work, we present the design and manufacture
    of a Scroll Compressor of an automobile air
    conditioning system. To the best of our knowledge
    compressors are not currently produced within our
    country. Thus a lot of foreign exchange is being spent
    in importing them. Consequently, this research makes
    available the technology of scroll compressor design
    and manufacture; which will result in improvement
    of our economy and also advance our nation
    Mode Of Operation And Compression Process: The
    design concept is based on the use of two
    intermeshing spiral scrolls to compress (as shown in
    Fig. 1) air by rotating the shaft through a drive unit
    from an electric motor. The flanks of the upper and
    lower scroll vanes form crescent shaped pockets. As
    the lower scroll orbits, the sealing points on the vane
    flanks moved inward pushing crescent shaped
    pockets toward the involute center. As the pockets
    move, they decrease in volume and consequently
    compress the trapped gas (McCulloughm, 1979;
    Wang; Chopey, 1994).
    The first orbit begins with the ends of both scrolls
    fully open, allowing the  interstitial space to fill with
    low-pressure refrigerant gas. The lower scroll’s orbit
    eventually closes the first  pocket of refrigerant gas.
    As the first orbit ends, the first pair of crescent
    shaped pockets has moved inward to a middle
    position and the scroll’s outer ends begin opening
    again to admit more low pressure refrigerant gas. The
    second orbit pushes the first gas pocket toward the
    center of the scroll set, continually decreasing the gas
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