
    This is the most important national code for wood buildings in China,controlling the design of single,two or three-storey load-bearing wood structures.The eleven chapters and sixteen appendices address wood and other products; basic design principles; calculations for wood frame members and fasteners;sawn and round timber structures;glue laminated timber structures; light wood frame construction; fire protection; and preservation.The code is being revised to improve the elements relating to light wood frame construction, glulam structures, engineered wood structures,seismic resistance and technical issues related to fire protection. The publication of the revised code is anticipated in 2012.This code addresses the inspection and quality acceptance requirements for wood and other products,framing, and preservation used in wood frame structures in China. This original version has been revised substantially and is expected to be published in 2012.The eight chapters set out basic stipulations for inspection as well as specific inspection and testing requirements for 1) wood (including glulam), steel and connection products; 2) sawn wood, round timber, and light wood frame structures; and 3) wood preservation. The nine appendices address such items as testing methodology, grading rules, fastener requirements, and allowable tolerances.This code applies to all construction systems and governs the design of all buildings not exceeding nine-storeys, or 24 metres. It is the predominant fire protection code. All fire protection requirements in other codes must be consistent with GB 50016. Wood buildings in China must meet or exceed all Chinese fire safety and protection code requirements. At the time of writing, GB 50016 is under review. The proposed amendments relating to wood structures aim to:
    •    Expand the use of wood roof trusses on existing concrete buildings
    •    Provide for wood infill walls for mid-rise concrete structures
    •    Reduce fire protection requirements for single and multiplefamily units
    •    Extend wood construction to certain non-residential and industrial buildings
    •    Enable hybrid construction for multi-storey buildings
    •    Allow glulam columns and beams in some civil and industrial structures.
    中文译文          建筑木材的安全性和耐久性
    法规和规范确保木材框架结构建筑的的安全性、耐久性和抗震性能,即使在最严重的地震中。 论文网
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