
    Tensile Test hydraulic loading system generally have pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical and electronic control and sensing systems correspond. Pneumatic cylinder, the pressure is small, need a large air compressor pressure source; motor and lead screw with the design, the stepper motor can achieve higher accuracy and greater tension; hydraulic cylinder has a small, Rally, fast response, high accuracy, but no specific to the biaxially stretched film electrically controlled hydraulic test machine loading system, general purpose hydraulic test chamber structure as MTS and other electric loads are very complicated and expensive.

    After a search of the prior art found, Chen Wu-jun of the "membrane structural engineering" China Building Industry Press, 2005.3. Introduction membrane parameters, tear tests, inflatable sac biaxial test methods; CHEN Wu-jun, Gong-Yi Fu with the "membrane structure multifunction tester" ZL20041006758. 7 membrane structure developed multifunction tester, using the screw and the linkage load, load ratio restricted and low precision; Liu Wenbin, Yu Wang Jing, WU Jiansheng with the "film material biaxial tensile test" Engineering Mechanics, 1998,152 = 138-145 developed inflatable biaxial test device used in measuring large strain measurement grating and conduct experimental analysis of membrane material properties; Chen Lu, Li , Qilin, Yang Zonglin book "membrane structure biaxial tensile testing machine research and development" Science Technology and Engineering, 2006,61 :17-23 describes the membrane structure developed biaxial tensile testing machine, using the motor as the driving force, screw connection, force sensors, displacement sensors and control bidirectional loading; Li Yang, author of "architectural membrane material and the mechanical properties of the membrane structure and application of" Tongji University doctoral thesis, 2007.8 study biaxial tensile test machines, customized load spectrum and test methods; SUN Wei, HE Xiao-yuan, Xu Ming, Luo a "digital image correlation method in the application of membrane tensile test" Engineering Mechanics, 2007,242 :34-39 uses a digital Related methods biaxial tensile test strain field test analysis, special test systems, cross-shaped specimen limb width 200mm; Luo with the "tensioned membrane structure and fabric membrane material nonlinear analysis of tensile test" Southeast University PhD thesis, 2003.9 study of membrane structure form-finding, load and cutting nonlinear analysis methods, and biaxial tensile test carried out research; YI Hong Lei, Oxo, Chen Shouhui with the "architectural membrane material biaxial stretched elastic constants estimation method "Engineering Mechanics, 2006,2310 :180-184 study membrane unidirectional, biaxial tensile test method of calculating the elastic constants; Ni Jing with the" PVC membrane material biaxial tensile test research and its application, "Shanghai University master's degree thesis, 2008. I conducted a multi-use Zwick/Rocell-Z010/TH2A biaxial test conditions and parameters of analysis, the test machine is two uniaxial testing machines combine and customize vertical load spectrum made maximum tension 10kN, the specimen cross arm Kuanjin 60mmo Invention

    The present invention is for an existing simple biaxial test device or the lack of common test loading system, to provide a biaxially stretched film test hydraulic loading system with tension, high precision, fast response control, simple , special, removable, independently, can be used for architectural membrane test, skin test airship composite film such as biaxial tensile tester.

    The present invention is achieved through the following technical solutions, the present invention includes: low filters, hydraulic pumps, motors, check valves, pressure sensors, valves, storage devices, electromagnetic unloading valves, proportional pressure relief valve, throttle valve, solenoid valve, four servo-hydraulic cylinders, pull pressure sensors, displacement sensors, mechanical clamps, filters, coolers, solenoid valves, tanks, and one-way shut-off valve, characterized in that: four servo-hydraulic cylinder and the corresponding displacement sensors, pressure sensors and mechanical clamps pull series in this order, the tank pressure output port in turn filters, pumps, motors, and one-way valve is connected by a bypass oil proportional relief valve, the solenoid valve unloading turn the cooler, the filter and the fuel tank is connected to the input port back to the oil to achieve, each servo cylinder into the oil chamber in turn pressure sensors, valves, storage devices, and the solenoid valve connected to the throttle to achieve oil Each servo hydraulic cylinder chamber through the oil return to the tank return line back to form a loop circuit, one-way shut-off valve disposed in front of the intake pipe pressure sensor.
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