
    The present invention has the following advantages and prominence effect: The present invention provides a vertical cylinder axis servo testing machine, to achieve arbitrary load path, there is poor closed-loop servo control system ensures synchronization and symmetric load: each set of transmission can be achieved through an electro-hydraulic servo slow and fast moving state experiments; equipped to achieve sine wave, triangle wave, square wave, ramp

    Combined wave function generator to produce the corresponding loading experiments waveform; unit can easily pass through the bit mounting the specimen; through the guide plate and the linear guides ensure concentricity and avoid its own weight in the horizontal direction caused by bending the chuck; the able to complete the biaxial testing machine tensile, compression, but also complete fatigue mechanical experiments. Compared to the prior art mechanical transmission, the present invention also has the advantage of hydraulic transmission can be carried out during operation stepless speed convenient and speed range; in the case of the same power, the volume of the hydraulic actuator Small, light weight, compact structure. Hydraulic work is relatively stable, fast response, switching shocks, fast start, braking and frequent commutation; hydraulic transmission control adjustment is simple, easy to operate, saving, easy to automate, when combined with electrical control, easier to achieve the kind of complex automatic working cycle; hydraulic drive easy to achieve overload protection, hydraulic components can self lubricating, so longer life; hydraulic components has been achieved since serialization, standardization and universal, over the manufacture, use, and maintenance is more convenient.
    Electro-hydraulic Loading System of Thin-film Biaxial Tensile Testing Machine
    The invention provides an electro-hydraulic loading system of a thin-film biaxial tensile testing machine, belonging to the technical field of mechanics of materials and building materials. The system provided by the invention comprises a low-pressure filter, a hydraulic pump, a motor, a check valve, a pressure sensor, a stop valve, a power accumulator, an electromagnetic unloading valve, a proportional overflow valve, a throttling valve, an electromagnetic directional valve, four servo hydraulic cylinders, a drawing force and compression force sensor, a displacement sensor, a mechanical clamp, a filter, a cooler, an electromagnetic water valve, an oil tank and a unidirectional intercept valve. The system provided by the invention has the advantages of great drawing force, high precision,fast control response, simplicity, special purpose, movability and independent use and can be used for the thin-film composite material biaxial tensile testing machines of construction film material tests, airship skin tests and the like.


    The present invention relates to a technical field of mechanics of materials and construction materials of the device, in particular relates to a biaxially stretched film test hydraulic loading system.


    Polymer composite fabric film material lightweight, high strength, chemical resistance, durability and modern buildings construction, aerospace and other industrial applications, such as architectural membrane structure, airship aviation, aerospace or soft parachute landing system. Fabric fabric and coating films are generally constituted by a polymer spinning synthetic fabric, and then woven into cloth, mainly in the construction sector with polyester fiber, glass fiber, mainly in the aerospace field with polyester fiber, aramid fiber, nylon fiber, coatings are polytetrafluoroethylene, polyvinylidene tetrafluoroethylene, using coating or laminated, laminated or coated substrates and other chemical colloid. Therefore, the film material has a complex fabric mechanical behavior, the performance of nonlinear material, non-elastic, anisotropy, viscoelasticity, bidirectional, etc. At present, the main mechanical parameters on the membrane, mainly from the one-way design applications based on tests carried out in recent years, two-way membrane mechanical behavior of testing, analysis, and has made important progress and research results.
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