
    enterprises put  effort on  their business,  the  adoption of E-Commerce  is  relatively  slow.
    So, in fact the results of these studies show that information technology, E-Commerce and
    Web are devices that give positive effects because they make it easier to control and faster
    to  proceed.  Some  studies  are  conducted  in  developing  countries  such  as  South Africa
    because small businesses exceed in developing countries and that small businesse in
    South  Africa  is  enough  to  help  the  country’s  economy.  On  the  other  hand,  small
    businesses  also  develop well  in  develop  countries  because  they  support  big  companies.
    Small  enterprises  may  consider  haw  far  E-Commerce  would  be  implemented  in  the
    company referring to is advantages and disadvantages.There are a lot of small businesses
    experience  difficulties  in  accessing  technology.  It  is  true  that  acces  to  technology
    performed by small businesses will be realized when  the combinations of  the  innovators
    are  very  solid,  besides  a  good  network  among  small  enterpreneurs  in  realizing  such
    technology (Thomas, Miller and Murphy, 2011). Based on the above literature review, it
    was  decided  to  use  the  following  methods  Comparative  Descriptive,  Experimental
    research,  and Applied  research. The  study  technique  uses  three  approaches  (1) Library
    research  (Desk Study);  (2) Participatory Rural Appraisal  (PRA) Approach, Focus Group
    Discussions  (FGD)  and  (3)  Survey  (interviews  and  observations).  The  objects  of  this
    research were  the  creative  industries  SMEs  businessmen  in Cimahi.  This  research was
    conducted in 2012.
    3 Main Results
    3.1 Creative Industries SMEs Profile
    The  creative  industries  SMEs  businessmen  tended  to  be  young  aged  between  30  to  40
    years old with 41% of businessmen were below 30 years old which was a good trend.Businessmen  aged  50  years  and  above  reach  23%,  some  of  them  were  normally
    established  businessmen  and  some were  people with  experience  from  their  previous
    workplace.  Generally,  the  businessmen  were  at  their  productive  age. With  this  age
    trend,  it was  expected  that  the  role  of  the  young  generation  to  adopt  and  utilize  the
    information technology would be faster. The percentage of the businessmen in Cimahi
    who  had  a  bachelor  degree  was  25%,  with  24%  of  high  school  graduates,  16%  of
    Diploma 3 program graduates, and 6% of Diploma 1 program graduates. Therefore, the
    level of understanding  the  internet was good. Because  the higher  the education  level,
    the better the level of understanding the development of internet was. This fact showed
    that  the  opportunities  to  utilize  the  internet  to  support  their  business  were  very
    Most of  these businessmen  started  their business with  their own  initiative which was
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