
    ity for cognitive development are fundamental differences from the many excellent
    humanoids already developed.
    At the same time the open approach (both for hardware and software), i.e. the
    open access of the research community to the software and hardware modules of
    the iCub, will allow a wide range of experimentation in both the software and
    at the hardware mechanical/sensory level by an enlarged user group, speeding up
    the development of the cognitive paradigms. In addition to this, the access to
    the sensory modules of the robot (hand tactile sensor/limb level force sensing and
    sensing skin) will enable experimentation and evaluation of the sensing facilities,
    and illuminate their important role in the development of cognitive capabilities.
    The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the specifications from
    kinematics point of view, and also presents dynamic performance criteria andUNCORRECTED  PROOF
    simulation studies to consolidate the design structure. Section 3 focuses on the
    actuation selection needed to achieve the performance targets. Details of the
    physical construction of the robot limbs and body segments is provided in Section 4,
    while Section 5 reports on the currently developed sensory system of the iCub,
    the electronic hardware and control architecture. Section 6 shows the constructed
    iCub prototype and compares the performance against the design requirement, while
    conclusions and future work are addressed in Section 7.
    Development of a robotic platform for neural testing that has the embodied capacity
    of a human child poses many challenges that must be addressed in a methodical and
    concurrent manner to coordinate and integrate the various components that form the
    full and complete mechatronic structure. There is clearly a requirement for many
    iterations of the design process before reaching a final prototype. Nonetheless, there
    is a need to define a starting point which in this instance was to aim for a robot that
    has the physical and ultimately cognitive capacity of a 2.5-year-old with the ability
    to develop to this stage from the equivalent of newborn.
    2.1. Kinematics
    Among the first and most important questions to be addressed when considering the
    hardware design is the fundamental kinematic layout, to enable the natural, stable
    and robust actions found in a young child. The kinematic specifications of the body
    of the iCub including the definition of the number of d.o.f. required and their actual
    location, as well as the actual size of the limbs and torso was based on ergonomics
    studies and X-ray images (Fig. 1) [19].
    This ergonomic data was augmented by several iCub simulation models that
    targeted definition and analysis of the required motions of a baby or young child
    as it developed its physical capabilities in its first 2.5 years.
    From these analyses the total number of d.o.f. for the upper body was set to 38
    (seven for each arm, nine for each hand and six for the head) (Fig. 2). For the legs
    the simulations indicated that for crawling, sitting and squatting a 5-d.o.f. leg is
    adequate. However, it was decided to incorporate an additional d.o.f. at the ankle
    to support not only crawling, but also standing (supported and unsupported) and
    walking. Therefore each leg has 6 d.o.f.: these include three at the hip, one at the
    knee and two at the ankle (flexion/extension and abduction/adduction). The foot
    twist rotation was not implemented.
    The human spine/waist joint structure has a fundamental role in the flexibility
    and efficiency of the human torso motions. The spine/waist sections implanted in
    humanoids robots are typically much simpler mechanisms, mainly providing 2 d.o.f.
    for the upper torso; however, humanoids that try to replicate the functionally of the
  1. 上一篇:填料塔英文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:级进模嵌件的自动化设计英文文献和翻译
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