    关键词:  熔池图像; 焊缝成形质量; 清晰度; 分形文数
    Title: Researching on the relationship between the signal system of MAG welding molten pool image and clarity                     
    Researching the relationship between the image of weld pool and the forming quality of the weld face,through the design of welding process tests, obtained the optimum process arc welding molten pool images and the images of arc welding molten pool with pore and slag. using the gray function,Laplace,Fourier and fractal dimension to analyze the relationship between the clarity of arc welding molten pool image and weld face forming quality.The test results show that:The gray function which compares the images of the bath center can be used to distinguish the molten pool image of the optimum conditions from the molten pool image of shortage of protective gas、slag and pore;Laplace can be used to distinguish the molten pool image of the optimum conditions、 shortage of protective gas、slag and pore; Fourier can distinguish the molten pool image of the optimum conditions and shortage of protective gas.The results of the Fractal dimension for arc welding molten pool image is that the dimension of the optimum process images is smaller than the dimension of the slag images and the dimension of slag images is smaller than the dimension of porosity images.
    Keywords: Weld pool image;Weld forming quality;
    Clarity;Fractal dimension
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题背景及意义    1
    1.2  焊接过程熔池视觉传感技术研究现状    2
    1.3  熔池图像处理技术及特征提取研究现状    3
    1.4  基于视觉的焊接质量智能控制研究现状    4
    1.5  图像清晰度评价方法研究现状    5
    1.6  本课题研究内容    7
    2  MAG焊熔池图像采集试验与图像处理分析    9
    2.1  MAG焊熔池图像采集试验    9
    2.1.1  试验设备与材料    9
    2.1.2  MAG焊焊前准备与工艺试验设计方案制定    10
    2.2  MAG焊熔池图像处理分析    12
    3  MAG焊熔池图像清晰度特征研究    16
    3.1  MAG焊熔池图像清晰度特征研究方案    16
    3.2  图像清晰度评价方法研究    18
    3.2.1  图像灰度变化函数    18
    3.2.2  图像拉普拉斯算子    21
    3.2.3  图像傅里叶变换    23
    3.3  弧焊熔池图像灰度分布的分形特征研究    25
    3.3.1  不规则碎片形文的数学定义及其物理含义    25
    3.3.2  不规则碎片形文文数算法    27
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