    关键词  等离子弧焊  熔池图像  图像采集系统  复合滤光系统
    Title  Plasma welding pool image acquisition system design and the experimental research                     
    In view of the plasma arc solder process, this article analyses arc spectrum characteristics and use the arc welding pool vision sensing method. CCD camera, the compound filter system, image acquisition card and computer has established a set of molten pool visual inspection system. This system can make use of near infrared CCD camera with compound filter system to eliminate arc welding pool rear acquisition from interference welding pool image.
    By means of Analysis of the aluminum and stainless steel plasma arc welding, we determine the characteristics of the corresponding welding parameters. In the light of the aluminum and stainless steel plasma arc welding, the 650 nm and 430 nm narrowband filter composition respectively compound filter system collecting plasma arc welding pool image. By changing the welding process parameters and image acquisition system parameters, observe the change of molten pool image, summarizes and analyzes the influence factors of molten pool image.
    Keywords  Plasma arc welding   Molten pool image   Image acquisition system   Compound filter system
    目   录

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外等离子焊接技术应用现状    1
    1.3 本课题研究内容    3
    2  等离子焊接图像采集系统设计    4
    2.1 等离子图像采集系统总体设计    4
    2.2 等离子图像采集系统组成及搭建    4
    3 3A12铝合金的等离子弧焊熔池图像采集系统试验    8
    3.1 3A12铝合金等离子弧焊接工艺试验    8
    3.1.1  3A12铝合金焊接性及等离子弧焊特点分析    8
    3.1.2 试验设备及试验条件    10
    3.1.3  3A12铝合金等离子弧焊接工艺试验过程    11
    3.2 3A12铝合金的等离子弧焊熔池图像采集试验    12
    3.2.1 3A12铝合金等离子焊接熔池图像采集系统参数确定    12
    3.2.2 不同焊接工艺参数和图像采集系统参数对铝合金等离子焊接图像的影响    14
    4 304不锈钢的等离子弧焊熔池图像采集系统试验    19
    4.1 304不锈钢的焊接特性分析    19
    4.2 304不锈钢等离子弧焊熔池图像采集系统参数确定    20
    4.3 不同焊接工艺及图像采集系统参数对不锈钢等离子焊接图像的影响    20
    结  论    25
    致  谢    26
    参 考 文 献    27
    1  绪论
    1.1 课题背景及意义
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